True Worship – John 4:19-29

First Chinese Southern Baptist Church – September 18, 2022
Thomas Bush, Director, Prayer Assist Ministries

An unnamed, outcast Samaritan woman becomes an unlikely evangelist as she encounters the Messiah Jesus at Jacob’s well in Samaria.

Through their encounter we will learn about Jesus’s revolutionary, purposeful and loving invitation to worship and relationship with Him that leads to personal and community transformation.

Sermon Outline

1. Jesus uses his thirst to invite the woman into a conversation about water (v. 7)

2. Woman questions Jesus’s request (v. 9)

3. Jesus offers living water (v. 10)

4. Woman: Can you to deliver water? Are you greater than Jacob? (v. 11-12)

5. Jesus: More about living water (v. 13-14)

6. Woman: “Give me living water” (v. 15) 

7. Jesus reveals her life. (v. 16-18)

8. Woman has a religious response (v. 19-20)

9. Jesus tells woman about true worship. Worship of Father in spirit and truth (v. 21-24)

10. Woman believes in Messiah (v. 25)

11. Jesus reveals Himself as the Messiah and her Messiah (v. 26)

12. The woman witnesses in her town to Jesus’s ministry in her life (v. 29 - 30)

13. Jesus describes His worship. (v. 31-38) “To do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work” (v. 34)

14. Community believes in Jesus (v. 39-42)


©Thomas Bush, Prayer Assist,, Email:, (619) 742-8694

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