The Forgotten Altar - Part 9: Revolution!
The time for a revival of prayer is past. For the last few decades, many have prayed urgently for a revival of prayer. The intention is good but in most churches there's not anyone left who can remember when congregational prayer was the heart of worship. I've talked to old timers who were children in the late 1800's that remembered fervent prayer during worship, but those folks are all in Heaven now.Revive means to bring something back, but if no living person knows what they're trying to revive - well - it's very unlikely to happen. We need something more than a revival of prayer. It's time for a revolution of prayer!...
Previous articles in the Forgotten Altar series:
- Part 1 – The Heart of God - Look inside the Old Testament temple and see how important prayer is to God.
- Part 2 – The Forgotten Altar of Prayer - The ‘forgotten’ altar of incense was, and is, the altar of prayer.
- Part 3 - The Heart of Worship - There's a connection between the Old Testament altar and worship today.
- Part 4 - The House of Prayer - Worship is incomplete without congregational prayer.
- Part 5 - A Pilgrimage of Prayer - How God turned agnosticism into a passion for authentic prayer.
- Part 6 - All God's People Want to Pray - But they don't want to be bored by empty spiritual speeches disguised as prayer.
- Part 7 – Cell Phones in the Throne Room - We are often disrespectful to God and don't even realize it.
- Part 8a - The Posture of Prayer - Sitting, standing, head bowed, kneeling.
- Part 8b - The Posture of Prayer - Prostration, raised hands, praying hands, closed eyes, and fetishes