A Prayer for Orlando

Lord, have mercy!
Christ, have mercy!
God, we need Your help!

As Sunday dawned,
Orlando awakened
to a nightmare
of historic proportions
in a nightclub.

Half a hundred lives are lost.
Scores more
(wounded and bleeding)
need Your presence, Father.
The sun shines
but darkness reigns.

Morning has broken
on a shattered city
fragmented by fear and anger.
Shards of pain are evidence
of the grim reality
that terror never sleeps.

In the shadow of Disney World
(the happiest place on earth),
there is a world of hurt.
Sadness has eclipsed the light of day.
The Magic Kingdom of make-believe
is no replacement for a Kingdom of peace
that only You can bring.

Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Comfort the grieving.
Envelop the fearful.
Heal the broken.
Lift the fallen.
Dry the tears of a city that weeps.

May Your Church truly be Your Body exhibiting...
a heart that breaks for the victims,
eyes that see hope in the midst of despair,
arms that carry the wounded,
hands that hold the hurting,
legs that stand up for justice
and feet that run after peace.

Lord, have mercy!
Christ, have mercy!
God, we need Your help!

by Greg Asimakoupoulos

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  • Lord send your Comfort and supernatural strength in times of grieving...hope for this nation!
  • Lord send your Comfort and supernatural strength in times of grieving...hope for this nation!
  • Father, please raise up your church in this time of crisis to come alongside those who are grieving, to offer compassion and help to those who are suffering, and to be a testimony to your love and grace in difficult times.  Turn this evil into good by making non-believers aware of how short and how fragile life is and by turning their thoughts to eternity.  Open doors for the spread of the Gospel in Orlando and beyond, and find your church ready to offer an answer in word and in deed to the questions people are asking.

  • Amen.
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