National Foster Care Prayer Vigil
  Many kids in foster care feel like they don't have a prayer ... let's change that.
2013 National Foster Care Prayer Vigil. Pray for kids in Foster Care now!
Learn More about the 2013 National Foster Care Prayer Vigil.
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2013 National Foster Care Prayer Vigil 

When 14-year-old Kelli didn't come home from school that early March afternoon, her foster mom feared the worst. The note in the bedroom confirmed what she was already suspecting: Kelli had run away. Though things had seemingly been going well in Kelli's life, and she was just months away from being adopted, some unresolved issues related to her past had recently resurfaced, and she hadn't been able to cope. 

People began to pray. Kelli needed prayer for safety and healing. Her foster family needed prayer for comfort and grace. Her social workers, therapist, foster parents, and others needed prayer for wisdom in helping her navigate this difficult time in her life. After an emotional reunion, Kelli is now doing better than ever. Prayer works! 

Currently, the US has more than 400,000 children like Kelli in the foster care system. Each has a unique story, but all of them desperately need prayer. This is where you come in. 

Cry of the Orphan™ collaborators, Focus on the Family, Show Hope and Hope for Orphans are teaming up again to sponsor the 6th annual National Foster Care Prayer Vigil to be held from May 19-26, 2013. The National Foster Care Prayer Vigil offers believers the opportunity to pray for the children, the workers and the families in our nation's foster care system. It also gives us a chance to ask God to work in His church on behalf of the children, to change our hearts and to use us in their lives. 

Would you consider joining us by planning a prayer vigil—or more than one—in your city? Prayer vigils can be held anytime in any setting—with your family, small group, Bible study, church and co-workers. By visiting, you can find everything you need, including suggestions on how to hold a prayer vigil, a downloadable prayer guide, and other resources to help you plan your vigil. While you're there, please take the time to register your vigil as well so that we can track who is praying and where. 

Thank you for praying and for being a valuable part of the solution for orphans and waiting children everywhere.
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