In August of 2019, God gave us a vision to see 120 Cities join together during the 10 Days of Awe in the Spirit of the Acts 1 "Upper Room Prayer Meeting" and the Azusa Street Pioneers, who saw an outpouring of the Spirit in 1906 in the middle of 10 Days of fasting and prayer. 

I can tell you that I had no confidence in the natural that we would be able to reach this goal, but it filled me with such an abiding fire and passion that I was confident that God would do it somehow, someway.

On Monday, September 7, we passed 120 cities confirmed! Let's take a moment to celebrate what God has done in forming His people into a "Global Upper Room."  Father, you truly are faithful!

This number, "120", was not chosen randomly--it was sparked by the Holy Spirit.

"120" represents the Upper Room, where the 120 people representing the New Covenant temple, the people of God, were baptized in the Holy Spirit, Glory, and Fire.

"120" was also the number of Priests present when the glory of God fell on Solomon's Temple. (2 Chronicles 5)

As you can see, 120 is a number associated with the Glory of God filling the Temple, God's dwelling place! May we experience a fresh outpouring of His power, love, and glory as we humble ourselves before him this September!

From a Global Upper Room to Global Ninevah

Our other big number for this year, "120,000" was also not chosen randomly.  120,000 was the number of inhabitants of Ninevah--those who repented at the preaching of Jonah.  

The nations of the earth have been shaken this year.  People have been afraid, angry, and confused.  As we seek God together from over 120 different locations, let's ask God for a global "Ninevah moment", where the nations of the earth will respond to God's invitation to turn away from from their wicked ways, and turn to Jesus as their Lord, Messiah, and Savior.

Father, as we prepare to enter this global upper room season, we cry out for a great turning towards you in the hearts of people around the world.  We ask for global Ninevah to be humbled and turn towards you!  Would you Unite your people, pour out your Spirit, and bring a great harvest from every tribe, language, and nation. Make us your messengers and servants, those you have prepared for such a time as this!

Jonathan Friz
The 10 Days 2020 Vision
Helpful Links for Doing 10 Days of Prayer

If you signed up for the Consecration Challenge...this might look familiar!  

1) Prayer and Fasting Resources

We have a number of downloadable resources for prayer and fasting  available at 10days.net.  In particular, I want to highlight:

2020 10 Day Prayer Guide: A Day-by-day prayer guide developed for this year
10 Day Prayer Themes: An essay focused on the heart of 10 Days.  This is a must read to understand the heart of the 10 Days of Prayer!
Intro to Fasting: This document explains some fasting basics and also explores the reasons we fast during this season

There are also a lot of great resources available at TheReturn.org/Resources.

2) Invite Others to Join in the 10 Day Consecration Challenge

You can invite others to join with you in prayer and fasting: https://www.10days.net/consecration-challenge

You're welcome to join us this Friday as we have a Facebook "Watch Party" to talk about the Consecration Challenge: Consecration Challenge Watch Party: Sept 11, 2-4pm Eastern  

3) Pray Together: Don't go it alone!

Finally, and most importantly we want to make sure you are praying with other believers during this time.

* You can find a 10 Day Gathering close to you at 10days.net/locations  The location map is being updated daily with new cities and links to those events...currently over 120 locations and counting.
* If there's nothing near you, you are invited to join our 24/7 Zoom Prayer Room.  You can Register Here to receive the Zoom Link.  Join anytime in prayer led from all 6 continents and in many languages.  Many other local areas have their own online prayer expressions!
We will be streaming prayer 24/7 during the 10 Days from many different locations.
* There are two special online prayer events during 10 Days.

Sept 19 from 8am-11am Eastern: World Prayer Together (www.WorldPrayerTogether.com) is a global solemn assembly with prayers of confession and repentance from 10 regions of the world on the "Day of Trumpets" to begin the 10 Days

Sept 26 from 9am-9pm Eastern: The Return (www.thereturn.org) is a national and global Solemn Assembly. You can join in DC or participate in the Simulcast.

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  • Phil, yesterday at the Global Upper Room prayer, leaders from all over the world confessed the sins of their parts of the world. It icluded racism and slavery of the past, as well as slavery of today (sex trafficking and abortion). 

    It was also Rosh Hoshanah and Day 1 of 10Days of Awe and part of The Return and part of Hinge of History 40 day fast and YWAM's 30 days of prayer during September, and others.

    David's Tent in DC has also opened to the public again for 24/7 prayer after being closed due to the pandemic.

    Global Upper Room continues for the rest of the year: 


    Praise the Lord!

    I have never seen so much humility and intercession in all the years that I have been an intercessor. God is on the move all over the world in the church and the nations. Blessed be our Lord God!

    Thank You Lord God that Your servants are praising and praying as never before. We ask for Your blessing on all prayers and intercessors and the fruits of their labor. Please cover them all with You protection and joy and peace, and give continuous strength to persevere and to stand their ground, that having done everything, to still stand for Your glory and bring joy in the heart of God. 

    Now to Him who is able to do so much more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

    • Thank you for this encouraging report.

      May we pray more as we listen than from our lists...

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