The #ReimagineFORUM Coaching Session with Gary Frost


Pastor  •  Prayer and Evangelism  •  National Director, March For Jesus



  • Why is it important for Christian leaders to begin a journey of rethinking ministry?

GARY FROST ~  I believe it’s important for leaders to operate from the principle provided by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:22  I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

  • Why will a "reimagine-journey" be difficult and potentially dangerous to the status quo?

GARY FROST ~ Too often we are overly invested in systems and programs that are familiar and manageable yet have become ineffective.  We serve a God of creativity who is not bound by methods regardless of how effective they have been in the past. Re-imagining (as guided by the Holy Spirit) causes us to depend on God and not upon best practices or previous successes.   



  • Agree/Disagree ~ We live in an extraordinary world:  Globalization (and a global pandemic). Immigration. #BlackLivesMatter. Gender reclassification. Marriage Redefined.. #MeToo. The rise of White Supremacy. Terrorism. Unpredictable Weather. The impact of the Industrial Revolution gives way to the Technological Age.  . . . This is a time of epic change that requires the Church to rethink how we apply biblical truth to the traditions-programs-models-systems that format everything we do.

GARY FROST ~  I agree in principle.  There are numerous challenges confronting the Church and if we are not careful, we can be overwhelmed by the incessant deluge of information (both fake and authentic) coming from numerous media sources.   It is imperative that we are not distracted from our primary assignment …. To make disciples who make disciples ….



  • What does it actually mean to "reimagine?" Please unpack the word as you understand it and the components of a reimagining process.

GARY FROST ~ The root word of imagine is “image”.   I see reimagining as “reimaging” … not creating a new image (or vision) but getting a clearer focus on what God has called me to do.  Similar to advancing from a mountain top telescope to a Hubble space telescope.  Seeing the same things in greater detail.

  • What roadblocks or resistance, barriers and boundaries, inhibit or prevent leaders from pursuing a discerning assessment when they commence a journey to reimagine ministry?

GARY FROST ~ I think that one of the primary roadblocks is self-centeredness or pride.  Too often we find ourselves in competition with one another rather in collaboration with one another.  We can find nicer words to describe this problem, however, pride is at the core.  Lack of unity effects EVERYONE’S missional success.



  • "Where do I begin?Where do you recommend a leader looks first to ensure they commence a truly Spirit-led, Scripture-fed journey?

GARY FROST ~  As obvious as this answer may appear it is actually profound.  We need to look to Christ as the ultimate Example of Servant Leadership.  As much as I enjoy books, sermons and conferences about Christ … I have learned that it is essential to abide in Christ personally and develop a real intimacy with Him. The Church in Ephesus spoken of in Revelation 2 had great theology yet had neglected Theos. I believe it is not just coincidental that the Apostle John who had the deepest intimacy with Jesus is also the only disciple to receive and write The Revelation of Jesus Christ.    



  • Who are the thought leaders the Holy Spirit is using to help the Church reimagine?
    • Tony Evans
    • Andrew Murray
    • David Platt
    • David Jeremiah
    • Tim Keller
    • David Bryant …..


  • How does your ministry help Christian leaders equip those they serve to begin the reimagine-journey?
    • Through the March For Jesus we are encouraging believers across numerous boundaries (nationality, ethnicity, geographic, linguistic, gender, age, denomination, …..) to worship Jesus Christ together and in the context of Celebration and Intercession grow relationally and spiritually.
    • March For Jesus



  • Additional coaching insights to share? Questions we must pursue?

GARY FROST ~ How do we engage children in the pursuit of God?



  • Please write a prayer that sets us onto a reimagining journey . . .

Father, thank you for deliverance from “wicked imaginations”.   Thank you that in Christ we are privileged to think God’s thoughts and pursue God’s purposes.  I pray that the eyes of our understanding will be enlightened that we may know you intimately and in the strength of that knowledge seek that others will know you as well.  Please forgive us of our pride and selfishness that contradicts the life of Christ.  We pray that the mind of Jesus Christ will dwell richly in us and that our lives will reflect His sacrificial service to others. 

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  • Gary - Thank you for your insights and encouragement.  There's a lot to digest in what you shared but it all strikes me as truth and inspired.  Miss seeing you, brother.  Hope and pray all's well with you and your family.

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