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  • I'm finishing Gloria Copeland's book God's Master Plan for your Life.  It has ten keys to fulfilling your Destiny.  I like it because I'm trying to find out what's God's plan is for me.  It talks about giving your life over to God and letting go and let God take over every thing in your life.  I'm really enjoying it.

  • Really like to read and reread if possible, John Bunyan's, The Pilgrim's Progress.  Seems like I'm attracted to the journey and spiritual aspects.

  • Brennan Manning's "The Wisdom of Tenderness: What Happens When God's Fierce Mercy Transforms Our Lives" - a great book to return to time and again to help check my prespective and motivations.

  • "Trusting God" by Jerry Bridges - to gain a deeper understanding of God's sovereignty in the most difficult situations in life.

  • "Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus: How the Jewishness of Jesus Can Transform Your Faith" by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg

    "Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus: How the Jewish Words of Jesus Can Change Your Life" by Lois Tverberg, Ann Spangler and Ray Vander Laan

    "Following the Master" by Michael J. Wilkins

    All of these books are written about discipleship and how disciples were made. Wilkins treats the issue with a dose of reality and how disciples came to be disciples of Jesus and how some are disciples today.

  • I'm reading Oikonomics, How to Invest in Life's Five Capitals the Way Jesus Did by Mike Breen and Ben Sternke. As we seek to help people to live as family on mission, the way we invest these five capitals (financial, intellectual, physical, relational, and spiritual) is a big discipleship issue. The book is also not a long read, just 100 pages.

  • Completed a  mini course of 8 sessions at Tyndale Intercultural Ministries Centre, Toronto and the book involved was Practicing Greatness, 7 disciplines of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders, by Reggie McNeal   forward by Ken Blanchard.  An excellent book to regain effectiveness for leadership.   God Bless!  Oh 170 pages.

  • Flesh by Hugh Halter.  Learning to be human like Jesus.  Excellent book on what it means to be the incarnation of Jesus to others. Full of stories and challenging insights. You will think differently about your identity as a Jesus follower.

  • Boundaries for Leaders by Henry Cloud.  I am really excited about leadership in all parts of my life.

  • The Leader's SEEcret  (Garmo) Kindle edition available at

    ~Dr. Paul Cedar, Chairman, Mission America Coalition, says:

    "This is a book that takes us to the very heart of what Christian living and ministry is all about. Skip's approach is unusual and very effective. The core of his message brings us to the incredibly important focus of Christlike character—to be and to lead like Jesus. You will be challenged and blessed as you read it."

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