Rethink How Your Worldview Drives Your Theology and Ministry

Being confident in our faith must include an objective re-view of our beliefs.

It is disingenuous (and dangerous) to believe one's opponent is 100% in error 100% of the time,

while one's own viewpoints (perspectives & preferences; interpretations & applications) are 100% correct 100% of the time.

This is not a challenge to Christian faith.

It is a call to re-search (and where appropriate, #unLean) our presuppositions.








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  • Customs and traditions from the era of the person translating the biblical text
    or producing systematic theology
    are always impacted/influenced by "zeitgeist."
    "What does zeitgeist mean literally?"
    AI Overview
    The German word zeitgeist literally translates to "spirit of the times". It's a noun that describes the general feeling, thought, or taste of a specific time period. 
    • Origin: The word comes from the German words zeit ("time") and geist ("spirit"). It was first used by German philosophers in the 1800s, including Georg Hegel and Johann Goethe. 
    • Usage: Zeitgeist is used in sociology, media studies, and cultural studies to analyze the current moment. It can also be used to describe a specific historical period or era. 
    • Examples: Woodstock is an example of the zeitgeist of the 1960s. 
    Related concepts
    • Moral zeitgeist: The idea that there is a moral spirit of the age that evolves in communities. 
    • Social capital theory: A sociological tradition that relates to the idea of zeitgeist. 
    • Interactional approach to leadership: A combination of zeitgeist theory and social capital theory that suggests leadership is developed from a mix of personality traits and the situation. 
    posted by Phil Miglioratti
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