Michael Douglass: Pastor, Community Ministry Facilitator




Find Me @  pastormikeonlife@gmail.com  & Website for Advancing Vibrant Communities: www.vibrantcommunities.org


• WHAT?  - What is the "1-Question" leaders must ask in order to #ReimagineFutureChurch?

For me, in light of the speed of change in our culture today, I ask God, “Am I accurately noticing where You are leading the church today in my locale; am I responding to where and how You are leading; and am I perceiving where You are going and want me to go with You?:  (Isaiah 43: 18-19a) "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.  Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?…."


• SO WHAT?  - What makes this an urgent need for leaders to contemplate/explore/discuss/pray into?

My observations are that God calls, equips, and gifts different congregations for different assignments, just as He does with individual members of the Body of Christ (cf: 1 Corinthians 12:21-26).  I believe each congregation is gifted in specific ways, to work collaboratively as a part of the local Church of the City, functioning as a true “body part,” for the greater mission God has for a specific geographic area, at a specific point in time.  Without that Isaiah 43:18-19 intentional “perceiving," I at least, can miss being aware of where God is moving and what He is asking us to do, because of filters of traditions and expectations and “what God did last time that was spectacular.”  I think there are dangers in asking God to bless our ideas of a reimagined church (or individual congregation), vis-a-vis asking God to bless us (and me) in carrying out HIS reimagining!  That reimagining, I think, may be different for different points in time, different cities or neighborhoods in the same point in time, and/or differing socio-political structures within which the church  or congregations operate (e.g.: underground church in China, church in the U.S., churches within tribes, et al.).


• NOW WHAT?  - What action do you recommend we initiate?

I think my response to the initial Question embraces the “moving forward,” in the spirit of not our will, but God’s will being done through us, and our willingness to respond to mid-course corrections from God that don’t fit our assumptions or plans.  Reimagining is likely to change quickly in today’s volatile culture.



Lord, may we as congregations within the church of the city perceive your creative reimagining of our missions and metrics, and please bless us and empower us to respond to YOUR leading!


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  • Great thoughts, Michael.  Yes, each church is a different body part with its role to play, but may not find out which part or role without seeking to collaborate in unity with other churches for the good of the city and growth of the Kingdom. 

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