• It is to all who become Christians. Although the instructions were given to a smaller group, the teaching of Scripture and the practice of early Disciples/ christians (Paul, Timothy etc) clearly indicates that the Great Commission is for all Christians.

  • Some times christian people don't distinguish evangelisation and making disciples. what do you think ?

  • I probably may not get it right as well. But to evangelize is to proclaim the Gospel and to disciple is to teach someone to live the Gospel by example and by Word. 


  • I think it good, your answer. But, a precision I wanted to put is this:

    When Jesus tells us to make disciple, He wanted us to evangelize and to teach the new christian the first things of christian life. It's a responsibility of each christian. Do you understand me ?

    Charles Kasumba said:

    I probably may not get it right as well. But to evangelize is to proclaim the Gospel and to disciple is to teach someone to live the Gospel by example and by Word. 


  • The Great Commsion is truly for every christian. Jesus meant every christian to be His disciple and to reproduduce themselves into others who will do likewise.  Because of christians failure to obey our LORD's command, the world is now discipling the church.


    Alfred Kollie from Liberia

  • Mikerson PITON said:

    Some times christian people don't distinguish evangelisation and making disciples. what do you think ? True!  But evangelism without  discipemakng  equals mass of immature church members who don't reproduce  but cause problem in the church and can't invade enemy's territoy.Alfred Kollie from Liberia

  • We are all commanded to make disciples.  However, I do realize that evangelism is first. 

  • It is obvious that evangelism is first but we must pay attention that to evangelism is not a but nor the mission.

    The mission is to make discipe. We must evangelism in order to make isciple. Do you understand ?

  • Don't you think that we must have a ourning back to the scripture ?
    JoAnn Hearvey said:

    We are all commanded to make disciples.  However, I do realize that evangelism is first. 

  • Making disciples is a Mandate for every believer and the entire Body of Christ.it.s a command that should should not be toiled with at all. So let every True believer wake up from slumber and obey tha last instruction from the Master Himself.....Jesus Chris......the Lord of all!! Amen.
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