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Is it possible for your church to emerge from the Coronavirus pandemic STRONGER than ever?

Interested in actually INCREASING your church’s IMPACT during this challenging time?

Want to UNLEASH your church to be the hands and feet of Christ in your city, starting today?

Ready to see your congregation and community TRANSFORMED from victims to vessels?

Then keep reading…
The Coronavirus pandemic is the most opportune moment in recent history for reminding Christ-followers of a calling they’ve largely neglected – to live out the Great Commission with those right next door and down the block.  That’s why God put them in their neighborhood in the first place!  And the door has rarely been so open for spiritual conversations – did you know that Google searches for the word “Prayer” have never been higher than right now!

Love Your Neighbor, powered by Meet The Need, is a FREE software platform specifically developed to enable your church members to:
  • Share needs of neighbors impacted in any way by COVID-19 with your church body
  • Build relationships that lead to an opportunity to talk about the hope found in Christ
  • Activate small groups to become compassion-oriented Neighborhood Groups
  • See a detailed map of the neighborhoods covered by your church’s congregation
  • View the needs posted by your members on behalf of families in their neighborhoods
  • Search for needs by category, keyword or geography and register online to meet them
  • Get reminders to complete commitments or to cancel if no longer able to do so
All of this appears on your church’s website and looks like your church’s site!  Your church even controls the experience – for example, approving each member to post needs or to form a group.

Meet The Need’s team will work personally with your church to implement these features within hours, not days!

To get started, register to access this FREE tool on www.meettheneed.org/loveyourneighbor.

NOTE: For those who already have a Meet The Need account, Love Your Neighbor is already available to you on your dashboard via thebuttonbutton.
A. Your Church:
ltn 21. Login to your MTN account or register HERE
2. Add your church’s Neighborhood Map to your website and social media pages
3. Invite designated members (staff members, life group leaders, or trusted volunteers) to register as “neighbor leaders” to post needs
4. Encourage your church members to check out the map and search for local needs
5. View all activity across your network, including needs posted and met by your church
For more tips and detailed instructions, download our Quick Start Guide for Churches.
B. Neighborhood Leaders:
needs1. Post needs for local neighbors in the neighborhoods where they live
2. Include needs for church families impacted in any way by the Coronavirus pandemic
3. Check list of offers (goods or services) made by church members to help those in need
4. Serve as conduits for fulfilling commitments to meet needs of their neighbors
5. View all activity related to needs and commitments within their neighborhoods

6. Share needs through social media, email, etc. to engage others in your church’s mission

To equip your leaders to use Love Your Neighbor, download "How To" Guide for Neighborhood Leaders.
C. Members and Attenders:
1. Search your church’s Neighborhood Map for needs posted by neighborhood leaders
2. Coordinate with neighborhood leaders to deliver goods or services to families
3. Review automated reminders and “new needs posted” emails
4. Share needs through social media, email, etc. to engage others in your church’s mission 
5. Post offers of available goods/services for neighborhood leaders to consider

To give your congregation ideas for blessing neighbors during the Coronavirus pandemic, download 7 Creative Ways To Help Neighbors Despite Social Distancing.  Always follow the latest Center for Disease Control guidelines for interacting with others during the COVID-19 crisis.
Meet The Need wants to help you mobilize your church members to bring eternal hope in Jesus Christ to those suffering during this challenging time in our nation and world.

Contact Us with questions or for support as your church gets started with Love Your Neighbor.

You need to be a member of The Reimagine Network to add comments!

Join The Reimagine Network

Email me when people reply –


  • Feel free to reach out to me directly here through ReimagineFORUM if your church wants to learn more or get started using Love Your Neighbor.  Have a great Resurrection Sunday!

  • A neighbor-focused post from Neil Cox (Indianapolis):

    Compiling Stray Thoughts, Links, etc... in no particular order:

    • BlessEveryHome(.com) -- an awesome ‘tool’ for expediting prayer-care-share in neighborhoods.  Encourage everyone to sign-up for free. Encourage your pastors to sign-up for a ($15/mo) church account -- which aggregates all the members’ individual maps & stats.  Can you imagine? Check it out.
    • John Kieffer:  Great tool: NextDoor.com - eg post seen there. (link to it John?)
    • Emotional impact... eg if/when households run out of necessities.  Strife?  
    • Text/Call your neighbors to check in on them.  Building comms before things hit, will be helpful after things hit.  “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him...”
    • Here @ClayTerrace we moved our physical weekly bible-study to online (Zoom) and can now invite more people into it.  
    • Any of us (in Indy) can easily submit a SitRep that will be compiled in our citywide Joint Christian Response info-system.
    • Reminder:  Gal 5:20 Fruits of the Spirit are... Against such things there is no law.
    • Remember the increased pressure toward abortions.  Pray. 
    • Cadence... is a tool.  Proactively build comms in your neighborhood.. and maintain it.
    • Signs in our yard?  Brainstorm? 
      • On a micro-basis, it’d be like church-announcement-signs.
      • “Hope is on the way.”  (or a scripture verse).
      • Eg:  ClayTerrace.org - Freshest news in the neighborhood.
    • Disaster Spiritual Care (DSC) - the term used by emergency agency parlance & protocols... for what we (and other FBO’s) do in times of crisis.  Here’s a helpful doc from Somebody Cares -- https://www.atimeforcompassion.org/  (ht:  Jim Esposito, NYC -- gotta love him!)
    • How to pray for your community re COVID19 -- by Phil Miglioratti 
    • John Kieffer’s Letter to his neighbors -- a NextDoor post.
    • From @CoryLynnCory - Neighborhood Initiative (nationally):

    Perfect timing for this...my new book, The Kairos Adventure: Neighboring in God’s Timing will be free on Kindle from Monday, March 23rd till Friday, March 27th. I believe it is an important book in light of caring for neighbors. Amazon will not allow it to be free endlessly, only for 5 days for  promotional purposes. After that I will price it at the lowest price that Amazon will allow, which is $2.99. Click this link www.amazon.com/dp/B083QGKF53 or go to Amazon and type in The Kairos Adventure and then click on the book when it comes up and it will take them to the paperback and the Kindle version. If they have kindleunlimited it’s free all the time. I would appreciate it if you get the word out. I believe it will be very helpful to the Church, especially at this crucial time. The most common response has been, “I love this book.” I would love it if you could pass it on to some of your contacts. We have a window of time, when we all have a chance to love our actual neighbors.  By the way, many neighboring resources are available at neighborhoodinitiative.org.

    Heidi Unruh & Joy Skjegstad - Coaches re  #Neighboring - producing great webinars now during COVID19 situation!  https://centerforcongregations.org/workshop/caring-neighbors-distance

  • Hi Phil,
    I’d like to introduce folks to our ArcGIS mapping dashboards that help local church, charitable nonprofit, and government leaders connect neighborhood volunteers to those in need of help. This is an important tool for trusted organizations mobilizing volunteers in the decentralized way that social distancing and stay at home orders require.
    Here’s a link to a five minute eight slide presentation on our new Neighbor-to-Neighbor tool that uses ARCGIS Mapping tools to connect those who wish to give help with those with an expressed need.  (https://vimeo.com/404785766)
    Glenn Barth, President
    (952) 975-0516
  • LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR will revitalize your church during these challenging times.


    Learn how! Watch this recorded Webinar...

    Empower your congregation to bless their neighbors during the Coronavirus pandemic...and beyond.  Love Your Neighbor, powered by Meet The Need, is a FREE software platform specifically developed to enable your church to:

    • See a detailed map of the neighborhoods covered by your church members
    • Share needs of neighbors impacted by COVID-19 with your church body
    • Build relationships that lead to an opportunity to share Christ with others 
    • Activate small groups to become neighborhood change agents
    • View the needs posted by your members on behalf of families on their street
    • Search for needs members can meet by category, keyword or geography 
    • Track your activity and impact across your membership and neighborhoods

    There are so many ways your congregation can bless neighbors impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic.  Read and share our "7 Creative Ways To Help Neighbors Despite Social Distancing"!

    Any questions? 

    Contact your Meet The Need Member Service Representative 

    or email our team at support@meettheneed.org.  


    Top 3 Reasons To Love Modesto
    1) Love where you live! We have such a great city ... from our parks, schools, neighborhoods, congregations, service clubs, businesses, non-profit organizations, families, friends, etc. As great of a city as we have, we must make it better for all.
    2) Do something about our challenges!  We have challenges like any other city (especially w/ Covid), but let's not just complain about them or just talk about ideas on how to solve them ... together let's do something about our challenges! 
    3) We have made it so easy for you to Love Modesto! There over 40 different projects to choose from and it does not matter how old or young you are, abled or disabled, there is something for everyone to make a make a difference! 
    To learn more about all the projects and to sign up, go to:
    We kindly ask that you respect the safety of all involved in this amazing day by following health and safety protocols. While performing your project, please practice social distancing of 6+ feet, wear a face mask, and regularly sanitize your hands. If you feel at all ill, we ask you to contact your project leader and refrain from participation in this day.
    Love Modesto | 1401 F Street, Modesto, CA 95354

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