From The ReimagineFILES: #ReimaginePRAYER...
Why Did I Launch #The #ReimagineFORUM...?
A #Reimagine Coaching Session with Phil Miglioratti
Designing a #ReimagineCHURCH Journey
#ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP... Developing a Prayer Culture
ReimaginePRAYER...Pandemic Prayer Meetings: Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone, Anything. whenever Two or Three Gather
Exclusive Excerpt: Pray. Prophetically...Not Politically
The 6 Spheres of Praying: A Template
Pray Beyond ~ Reimagine Prayer as Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, Wider-spread
P.R.A.Y. ~ A Spirit-Led Corporate-Conversation Teaching-Template
#ReimagineSCRIPTURE: A.S.K. (Matthew 7:7)
"So That" Praying. This Changes Everything!
#ReimaginePRAYER...Pray. Like Epaphras
A Diagnostic Tool To Assess The Prayer Life of Our Congregation
Exclusive Excerpt ~ "When Pastors and Intercessors Struggle"
#ItSeemsToMe...this is a misguided prayer
A Biblical Format to #Reimagine your Church Prayer List
Pastors Mobilizing Men to Pray
Think Outside the Box with 5 Summer Prayer Action Steps
#ReimaginePRAYER...Phil Miglioratti: "Perspectives on Prayer" • 7 Interview Clips
#ReimagineCHURCH...Leading / Facilitating Corporate Prayer
Secrets to Facilitating Corporate Prayer
Template: Pray For / Prayer About /Pray Against
#ReimaginePRAYER...with One Word Prayers
#ReimaginePRAYER...additional posts on Twitter
Assess Your Prayer Culture:11 Practices of Praying Churches
#ReimagineCHURCH...Beginning With A Fresh Encounter
#Reimagine CHURCH...a 7 Day Prayer Emphasis Become a Prayer-Driven Church
Mobilizing an All-Church Prayer Strategy
A Biblical Format to #Reimagine your Church Prayer List
#ReimagineCHURCH... Keys To Lead The Church INTO Prayer
#ReimagineCHURCH...By Asking, Seeking, Knocking, for Sprit-Led Goals
#ReimagineCHURCH...Leading / Facilitating Corporate Prayer
#ReimaginePRAYER...Develop A Yearly Rhythm for Your Congregation/Network
#ReimagineCHURCH...Appoint a New Prayer Leader
TEMPLATE ~ Praying for Your Community. Your Country.
#ReimagineCITIES...Impact Communities Through Prayer
Living In A Prayed For City / Living On A Prayed For Planet
#SayALittlePrayer... Brief Prayer Prompting Posts.
#SayALittlePrayer...additional posts on Twitter