I've read the book Every Man's Battle By Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker, Mike Yorkey. I've found a lot of really helpful tips and advice in it, but yet I feel like the book focuses a little too much on my effort and "purity techniques" and not enough on the power of the Holy Spirit in my life to help me overcome something that no mere mortal man can overcome on his own in his own power.

Anyone else read this book? What was your impression?

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  • I have read that book and about twenty others on the topic. The book that I like the best is "The War Within...Gaining Victory in the Battle for Sexual Purity" by Robert Daniels. It is much more grounded in Scripture and provides tons of practical help drawing upon the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit in fighting the battle for purity
  • Thanks Bob! I have mixed feelings about Every Man’s Battle. I’ve read through it several times myself, and have enjoyed it and found it very helpful in a lot of ways. The book gave me practices and mindsets that I still utilize regularly in my own ongoing daily battle for purity, so in that sense I would certainly say that the book has impacted me and has been a big help. I think it does a good job of laying the Biblical and spiritual groundwork in the first part of the book, but then in the second and third parts of the book relies a little too heavily on technique and sheer willpower than it does on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

    I will certainly look into the Daniels book you recommended.

    Blessings! Stay pure!
  • I have read the book Every Man's Battle.  I was in a support group which also viewed the video.  I will look into the other books that are suggested.  I believe this will be a daily battle and the mind set is hard to over come.  I know I can't do it on my own strength because I have tried.  It has got to be a daily walk and a support group that I could meet with on a regular basis to ask me the tough questions would be a tremendous help.
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