Considering that the vast majority of people in the early church could not read. I am wondering how you would change your way of discipling people if you were dealing the same scenario?

It seems that so many churches are following the American school system of a "repeat after me" way of learning and then we get a "repeat after me" kind of theology. Then when someone is "discipled" he has a bunch of intellectual knowledge that is from a teacher who has taught very little of what Jesus actually taught in terms of how to do ministry and trusting God along the way. I have found that Satan will use people to cause disruptions and get people distracted when how to do ministry is taught.I will never forget the time when I was training a man to do ministry. He was afraid to share his faith. The first time I had him lead he started trembling but two hours later he was motor mouth. He came back announcing that he was able to start two Bible studies. He took his faith into the community and learned what it was like to not confine his ministry to the church building. Today his son is the youth leader in that church.

How ministry is done is humbling and does not allow one to be so prideful as one who has knowledge as the standard of maturity and not relationship with Jesus.

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