Chat With The Author
Jamie Morgan, "Thirsty: A 31 Day Journey to Personal Revival"
5 Questions; 5 Minutes (or less)
Interview by Phil Miglioratti @ The Reimagine.Network
1. Jamie, how did your own thirst motivate and guide your writing of this book?
Jamie>>> Thank you so much, Phil! For me, lukewarm, apathetic, cultural, go-with-the-flow, worldly Christianity (as if there were such things) will never do. I want to be a burning, shining light for Jesus (like John the Baptist…minus the locusts and camel hair) and prepare the way for the second coming of the Lord. And I know that many, many other Christians feel the same, which was my sole motivation for writing, "Thirsty: A 31-Day Journey to Personal Revival."
2. How do you explain, describe, "thirst" and is it present/latent in every Christ follower?
Jamie>>> Yes, Phil, I believe thirst for Jesus is present in every believer…actually in every human being who has ever walked the earth. However, distractions, compromise, sin, etc. can stymie that thirst. See thirst for Jesus leads to seeking Jesus. Seeking Jesus leads to finding Jesus. Finding Jesus leads to drinking of Jesus' abundant life to your fill. But when we lose our thirst for Jesus, we don’t seek Him like we should. “Thirsty” will help the believer regain their thirst for Jesus once again.
3. You propose"thirst" as a prompt to embark on a "journey to personal revival." Unpack "revival" for us. It must be something more than a temporary emotional response or a quick scripture reading and prayer...
Jamie>>> Yes, you are right, Phil! We will never become personally revived by going through the motions, becoming emotionally hyped, or by checking off our devotional boxes. But we will experience personal revival as we focus on a different aspect of our Christian walk each day, and embrace the fire of revival for that specific area of our relationship with Jesus by inviting Him to bring it back to life. As we draw near to God every day of this 31-day journey, the All Consuming Fire will draw near to us, setting setting our hearts on fire for Him.
4. A highly regarded prayer leader, Dick Eastman, writes: "For true revival to come to the Church it must first come to individual believers." How can one person's journey influence their family? Impact a small group or ministry? Inspire a congregation?
Jamie>>> Here’s the thing, Phil. We don’t have to wait for the Church to wake up in order to experience personal revival. We can get on fire for God now and be living, breathing, walking revivals - setting everything we touch ablaze for God! As we are personally revived, it will have a ripple effect on everyone around us. As a matter of fact, Phil, many times the Christian who has been revived, will then begin contending for revival for his or her family, church, region, state, and nation. A million candles can be lit from the flame of just one.
5. Jamie, give us a prayer that serves as a prequel to your book; a prayer that causes us to pursue a Spirit-led, Scripture-fed journey toward revival...
Jamie>>> Sure thing, Phil. Here is a prayer to begin your journey to personal revival:
“Lord, I seek Your face. As I gaze upon You, let me see Your glory, countenance, and power. Let hardships and pain drive me to seek Your face. Let the questions of life cause me to seek Your face. Let weariness catapult me to seek Your face. Let the temptations of the enemy cause me to seek Your face. I want Your glory to permeate my entire being. I want to impart Your fragrance to the world. Lord, I’m going to spend the rest of my days seeking Your face, until the day I see You face-to-face. I love You, Lord! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen."
Enjoyed the interview - great message and mission. Not surprising coming from someone with the same name as my son, Jamie Morgan!