CHAT with an Author:
Pray.Network Featured Contributor Lillian Penner
Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren
5 Questions / 5 Minutes (or less)

1. The prevailing attitude is that grandparents can pray because they have little else to do, but you seem to view "olderlies" with a "mission possible" perspective ...
Lillian>>> According to Psalms 145:4 grandparents have a mission to influence and guide their grandchildren and their parents to navigate in our ungodly culture today. Some grandparents live close to their grandchildren and have the hands-on capability. However, today in our global society many grandparents don't have that opportunity and their main source of influence is praying intentionally for their grandchildren and their parents.
2.  Agree/Disagree - -You could have entitled this book "Grand/Parenting with a Purpose"  because your teachings and insights easily apply to younger parents, aunts/uncles, ministry leaders...
Lillian>>> Agree. Yes, they could be applied to all.
3. The front cover of the original and revised editions show a variety of ethnicities. How easily does your message relate across the wide diversity of families and cultures? 
Lillian>>> The message of the book is applicable to all races and cultures. I have grandparents following my Facebook posts from all over the world.
4.  How will the teachings and resources (study questions, prayers, scriptures, guides, action ideas) enable the reader to reimagine prayer?
Lillian>>>My prayer is that the study questions can be used by one personally but also in a small group setting. The prayers, Scriptures are to guide grandparents to intentionally pray for their grandchildren. Many grandparents may be praying as I did previously with a general prayer. But when I learned to pray Scripture for my grandchildren and myself prayers became intentional and with more purpose.
5.  Prayer is a major component of spiritual formation. How will applying your insights and ideas equip grand/parents (and ministry leaders) to reimagine their methods of making children into disciples?
Lillian>>> My goal and prayer are that the book will challenge, encourage and pro
vide resources for grandparents, parents, and ministry leaders to intentionally pray for their grandchildren and their parents. 

Grandparenting with a PurposeEffective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren –Revised & Expanded

Culture tends to shape our grandchildren by what it presents as normal, which is very different from the normal in which we grew up. But through prayer and godly counsel, grandparents who love the Lord can stand in the gap and help their grandchildren and their parents navigate their world and cultural influences.

Being a grandparent is a blessing—the grandchildren are so sweet, and we love the hugs and pictures. But these days, many grandparents have the added responsibility of raising their grandchildren, while others are restrained from seeing their grandkids.

Grandparenting: Effective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren will share some insight into these difficult issues. And no matter your situation, God gives grandparents a sacred trust—an opportunity to imprint another generation with the message of His faithfulness.

From cell phones to photo prayer journals, you’ll find tools and Scriptures to pray intentionally for your grandchildren and their parents. Regardless of how far they live from you, your prayers can bridge the distance between you and leave your grandchildren with an inheritance more precious than gold.

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Lillian's Grandparents @ Prayer Group>>>

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