The Goal of Discipleship: Christlikeness

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The goal of discipleship is Christlikeness. Disciple making guides people to be transformed in Christlikeness so they think and act like Christ.

God is transforming us into the image of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18, 1 Cor. 15:49). God has placed the Holy Spirit of Christ in the lives of those who have come to faith in Christ (1 Cor. 6:19, Col. 1:27).

We have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 16). God's predetermined purpose is to transform us into Christlikeness (Rom. 8:28-29). We cooperate with God by putting off the old sinful nature and behaviors and putting on the new self that is increasingly Christlike (Col. 3:8-10).

Claude King

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  • From Josh Butler @The Gospel Coali

    All-of-Life Discipleship

    Josh Butler

    God will draw in our neighbors through an all-of-life discipleship that rejects cultural dichotomies of sacred/spiritual, public/private, and spiritual/physical. These are false dichotomies because, to paraphrase Abraham Kuyper, there’s not one square inch in all creation that Christ doesn’t claim as Lord.

    All-of-life discipleship will include:

    • integration of faith and work that pursues vocation in society as a holy calling,
    • critical appreciation for culture that resists both assimilation into culture and isolation from culture
    • civic engagement that works with our neighbors to build a flourishing society where common ground can be found, and
    • prophetic resistance to the idols of our day—such as totalizing political ideologies—and a refusal to bow to anything competing with ultimate allegiance to Jesus.

    If the first theme of countercultural community speaks to the gathered church as an institution, this second theme of all-of-life discipleship speaks to the scattered church as an organism. Our church’s vision statement is “All of Life Is All for Jesus.” 

    Red full article here>>>

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