Worthwhile Worship
© by Pastor Johnny R. Almond
The next morning the same thing happened—
the idol had fallen face down before the Ark of the Lord again.
This time his head and hands had broken off and were lying in the doorway.
Only the trunk of his body was left intact.
1 Samuel 5:4 NLT
I am the God above all gods. Sooner or later, the uselessness of idols comes to light. Substitutes for Me are lifeless things, non-gods, religious frauds, clever facsimiles. It is stupid to depend on anything except Me to comfort you in your hurts or rescue you from desperation. Idols are totally worthless. Blind to your plight, deaf to your prayers, insensitive to your pain—they are never any help.
I am the God of power and might. Wrecking idols is no problem for My omnipotence. They are zero compared to Infinity! The ark toppled the Philistines’ national god, spread a terrifying epidemic, and threw deluded idolaters into a state of panic. Your collection of idols cannot assist you in the storms of life. A mere breath of My Spirit Wind blows counterfeit gods away. If you erect a shrine to your ego, or bow down to any other force except Me, you will invariably be red-faced. Whatever you enthrone, I easily knock to the ground and shatter. Be careful that you allow nothing to take the place in your heart I alone deserve—first place!
I am God your Father. Worshiping Me—the Infinite One—is encouraging and exciting. Acknowledge Me with joy, singing, humility, gratitude, and praise. Desert all detestable idols you have known and devote yourself entirely to Me. Fall on your face before My throne of mercy. I will recapture your heart and mind—only then will your life make sense, your outlook be optimistic, and your lonely dirge become a festive dance.
I am God your Provider—richly providing for your needs. I am your Sovereign—working behind the scenes to orchestrate circumstances for your good. I am your Teacher—instructing you in the best way to live. I have made your body sacred space—you do not own yourself. Sail under My captaincy, and I will keep you on an even keel. Hold My hand, and I will steady your step. Worship Me with every heartbeat, and you are set for eternity.
Pastor Johnny R. Almond
This devotional is Day 136 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity
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