“You say before you die, you intend to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land,
climb to the very top of Mount Sinai, and read the Ten Commandments out loud.
I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t you just stay right where you are and keep them!”
- Mark Twain
We can live joyfully by trusting God. Bowing to false gods of the heart disappoints. God is the only absolutely reliable spot in the universe.
We can live wisely by worshiping God. The Almighty brooks no rivals—allegiance to the Sovereign God is indivisible. First place belongs only to God.
We can live humbly by lovingly speaking God’s name. Irreverent voices toss God’s name around in curse or jest, but devout believers speak His name prayerfully.
We can live healthfully by recreating zest for living. The Creator offers us a one-day vacation every week. Getting out of fast-forward mode by pushing the pause button enhances health.
We can live fully by honoring our parents. God gave us life through our father and mother, so they should be respected.
We can live harmoniously by deleting sarcasm from our vocabulary. Angry looks kill; verbal arrows murder. We enjoy harmony in life when we find peace in our heart.
We can live purely by running from sexual temptation. Mental adultery is wrong. Evil fantasies weaken our character. Resisting the devil and relying on Jesus is the path to victory.
We can live honorably by refusing to steal. Thievery takes what belongs to another; it also robs us of self-esteem. Honesty is the only policy.
We can live kindly by squelching gossip. We should never let our tongue idle with our mind in neutral. Hearsay wrecks the neighborhood.
We can live contentedly by humble gratitude. When we learn to be satisfied with what God gives us, we are genuinely rich.
God has never revised His publication on relationships. He writes commandments, not suggestions. When we can’t seem to get life on earth together, we should try following heaven’s directions.
“God instructed the people.” (Exodus 20:1 NLT)
Johnny R. Almond
Christian preacher and writer
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
[This devotion based on Day 49 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity]
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