Giants Causeway - Ireland
So, Jeremiah, if you’re worn out in this footrace with men,
what makes you think you can race against horses?
And if you can’t keep your wits during times of calm,
what’s going to happen when troubles break loose like the Jordan in flood?
When you get frazzled by hang-ups, the Wonderful Counselor guides you.
When you cannot put one foot in front of the other, Almighty God helps you.
When you are looking for a high example to follow, the Holy One inspires you.
When evil shadows trouble you, the Sun of Righteousness lights your path.
When your world is falling apart, the Chief Cornerstone holds you together.
When you think death has the last word, the Resurrection changes everything.
When guilt gets the best of you, the Lamb of God liberates your spirit.
When no one seems to care a thing about you, the Son of Man understands.
When hard times overwhelm you, the Comforter stands under you.
When life does not make sense, the Lord of All makes significance possible.
When you are so weak you cannot go on, the Lord God Almighty enforces you.
When you are confused about which route to follow, the Way directs you.
When you are searching for reality, the Truth outweighs worldly propaganda.
When you are at the point of giving up, the Life energizes you for steep roads.
When you are scared of the dark, the Light of the World is your Night Light.
When you are needing fellowship, the Head of the Church makes it possible.
When you are crying your eyes out, the Man of Sorrows weeps with you.
When you are on stormy high seas, the Prince of Peace quiets your fears.
When you are struggling with life lessons, the Master Teacher helps you learn.
When you are over the edge, the Shepherd lifts you up and restores your soul.
When you are near despair, the Messiah reassures you of His imminent reign.
When you are addicted to sinful habits, the Redeemer breaks hell’s handcuffs.
When you do not know how to pray, the Advocate intercedes on your behalf.
When you question evil’s success, the Righteous Judge promises final justice.
When you are lonely, the Bright Morning Star illuminates your heart.
When current events seem hopeless, the King of kings promises a new world.
When life’s next chapter is hard to read, the Author of your faith edits it.
When you are searching for meaning, the Word of Life spells it out for you.
When life gets harder, I will be there for you.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 275, Gentle Whispers from Eternity