I'm a fan of Pinterest. It's interesting, and challenging, addictive, and often, even inspiring. Last night, a posting explained how a mom had led her three daughters in a new approach to Advent last year by creating 25 ideas for Random Acts of Christmas Kindness. Each was put into a brown paper lunchbag and the girls participated each day in one of the random acts of kindness . . . from taping a card and a quarter on a parking meter to surprising their teachers with a favorite beverage from Starbucks. Each act was accompanied by a card that focused on the joy of celebrating the birth of Christ.

I also have friends who have faithfully posted daily five things they are thankful for. No repeats are allowed. They've found that it reminds them of how great God's blessings are.

Thanksgiving and Christmas can easily become overwhelming . . . too much to do in too little time . . . and God's blessings overlooked along the way. So what do you (and your family/friends/church) do to make sure the blessings are not missed?

Maybe by sharing, we can inspire each other through the next weeks!

Margie Williamson

Community Manager

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  • Love that idea, Janice. We too have a small, table-top tree. Small, thoughtful gifts are great!

  • Anything that can be done to cut down on stress and free up time will lead to relaxing and reflecting upon all the blessings God has given.

  • The majority of gifts our immediate family members give to each other are books and music cds which we often can find used. That cuts down on wrapping time and costs. We also often reuse wrapping paper to cut down waste and cost.

    Our Christmas tree is a fairly small table top tree which takes less time to put up and take down than a larger tree would. The presents fit nicely under the table. These are simple ways to take some stress out of the season for our family. We have a small family so I realize this might not work for larger families.

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