There is only one way to fulfill the greatest need that your heart has been longing for, and, believe it or not, it is the easiest thing you will ever be able to obtain in the entire universe. You don't have to work for it! You can't earn it! You won't have to struggle in any way to get it! You don't have to beg for it! You can't steal it! Why is this thing so easy to get into your life? Because all you have to do is simply ask for it. That's all! When you do you will receive it instantaneously -- even before you finish the asking! Nowhere will you ever find a treasure that is so easy to obtain in this world.
Do you know that the Person you need to ask is standing right next to you eagerly awaiting for you to say the words? Do you know that He has been standing right beside you since the day you were born, and that He even knew what your birth date was going to be because He is the One who had it all planned? Who is this One who can ease (not eliminate) your wordly struggles, bring you great peace, and show you how to love everyone you know, including your enemies? Who is this One who will fill you with the faith and courage to ask for what He so wants to give you at this moment?
Once you receive what this One wants to freely give you, your life will surely be filled with hope for the best future you could ever have, and give to you His love of which there is none greater anywhere in the universe, and then teach you how to love the whole world regardless of the chaos in it.
His Name is Jesus Christ, Immanuel (God With Us), and Wonderful Counselor. In fact, there are two hundred and fifty-six names given to Jesus in the Bible. He is everything to everyone. He is God in the flesh who came to this Earth from His lofty position in Heaven to save everyone who would call on His name and seek His forgiveness and accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior.
That's why obtaining God's gift of Salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, is so easy! All you have to do is ask Him to come into your life and save you from your sins, and He will forgive of them all: past, present, and future.
In this blog we will learn why we need Jesus Christ in our lives and why the world, or other people, cannot satisfy our need for true love and honest relationships. This can only come through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Only with Him will you find true lasting peace and forgiveness for your every sin. Only through Him will you find your needs met in a way you never once dreamed possible.
First, we will look at Faith and why it is important in obtaining all Jesus wants to give us. Second, we will look at Hope and why our only real hope for peace and everlasting life can only be found in Jesus. And then, we will look at Love and why we can never know what true love is without having Jesus' love in us.
It is my hope and prayer that you will stay with this blog so that you can know, as I do, what it really means to have life in abundance. I will share with you my testimony and experience of my life without and with Jesus. It is also my hope that you will the realization that you can't do life on your own in a world that looks out for number one.
In my next post, I will tell you about myself, my life, and how Jesus came into it and turned it around where now I truly have peace in my life. I know that from my experiences with childhood sexual abuse, post-traumatic stress syndrome, bipolar syndrome and just plain old life that will find a freedom that you never thought you could have. It is a freedom that only Jesus can give you. He is alive! He is real. And He wants you to know Him. Let's find out together, shall we?