Ultimate Power Source


David became more and more powerful, because the Lord God Almighty was with him.

2 Samuel 5:10 NLT


The kingdom is Mine forever. I am Jehovah—the One Who Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been. I am the King of hearts.


I am the Undisputed Ruler of all the kingdoms of your life. I was High King of the universe before time. I am your Eternal King in sovereign control of every dimension—physical, emotional, intellectual. Details do not escape My notice. Nothing—pleasant or painful—gets to you without going by My throne first. I cause or permit everything for My glory and for your good. I hold you together—give Me credit.


The power is Mine forever. I am Elohim—the One whose strength is unrivalled by any power. No force anywhere in the universe equals the dynamic energy of My Spirit. Humans discover traces of divine power in the atom, but no created being is able to create.


Keep in mind that you cannot live life richly, relate well, serve Me, resist temptation, face tomorrow confidently, make correct decisions, or carry out your responsibilities without My power. Independently of Me you can accomplish absolutely nothing. Sooner or later you will learn that striking out on your own leads to failure. I am the Vine and you are one of the branches—nothing is closer. Stay near Me and your life will produce sweet fruit to cheer your despondent world.


Your power depends on connecting to the Ultimate Power Source. In My infused power, you find the secret of surviving every situation. With My reinforcement, you can stand up to Satan’s attacks. Energized by My Holy Spirit, you are ready for anything. You cannot imagine what I can accomplish by My work within you—purpose beyond highest ambition, tranquility beyond dearest wish, joy beyond sincerest prayer, power beyond most desperate need. Take heart.


The glory is Mine forever. I am the Almighty—the One who deserves honor for the success you achieve in making spiritual progress. The only reason you can ever be strong is because I am with you. Fear nothing, with Me on your side. Let nothing overwhelm you, since I overshadow you. Let no enemy ever intimidate you, marching in Christ’s triumphal procession. Live exuberantly, energized by the Infinite One.


Take up residence in Me, the Mighty Fortress, and grow stronger with every heartbeat. Draw closer to Me every passing day, and be steady and strong in all circumstances. Standing tall in life’s storms, do not break your arm patting yourself on the back—bow your head and give thanks.


9570808475?profile=original© 2013 Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity



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