The men of Israel deserted David and followed Sheba.
But the men of Judah stayed with their king and escorted him from the Jordan River to Jerusalem.
2 Samuel 20:2 NLT
I am the King of hearts—including yours. Others may forsake the True God to follow the world’s ersatz god, but by grace stay with Me all the way. Make your resolve like Peter’s—never join ranks with the deserters of Jesus; unflinchingly refuse to disown your King! Then go one better than Peter—do not ruin your worthy resolution by rebellion. At sunrise, when the cock crows, you will not cry your eyes out because you have denied Me during your night of trial. Continue to passionately adore Me as your First Love, Ruler of the kingdom of your emotions. Stay with Me—and stay serene.
I am the King of hope—the Solid Rock of certainty in shifting sands of circumstances. Through life’s picnics and problems, I stay by your side as your Dependable Friend. Change surrounds you, but I stay the same, beside you through it all. Others may leave Me to search for stability elsewhere, but stay faithful to Me, and I will pour My blessings on your life day by day. Focus on getting to know Me—then everything else in the universe will make more sense. Instead of imitating society’s behavior, let My Holy Spirit transform you from inside out by changing how you think. Let My thoughts become yours—permit My Holy Spirit to course through your intellect. Loyally yield to My reign over your mind, humbly making Me your Best Thought day and night. Stay with Me—and stay sane.
I am the King of heaven—your permanent home. I am preparing paradise for you, where we will stay together forever. Certain of your eternal destiny, you are free to sing as you make the trip. You may feel faint in the Faith Marathon, but struggle on until you hear finish-line applause. I will reign over your future—surrender to My reign over your present. Fight until the battle is won. Run until the race is completed. Stay faithful until you meet the Author of faith. When I ascend David’s throne to rule over the universe, you will receive an eternal reward for remaining loyal to the King. Stay with Me—and stay satisfied.
No matter how many turn from Me to follow that loser Satan, stay loyal to your King all the way across the Jordan of challenge to the new Jerusalem of celebration—you will always be glad you did!
© 2013 Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity