The Unseen

        By faith we understand that the worlds were created at the spoken word of God, so that the  visible has its origin in the invisible.”  (Heb 11:3) 


                  One of my Hebrew teachers taught me once that we cannot understand the unseen if we do not understand  the things that are seen.  I believe that it is true because the visible has its origin in the invisible. The idea came from the mind of GOD and as He spoke it out in words,everything was created.  Even the Tabernacle constructed by Moses was an exact copy of the heavenly Tabernacle and all the articles in the Temple and the offerings were a shadow of the reality of YESHUA.  The first Adam was only a shadow of the last Adam.  Abraham offering Isaac was a shadow of the heavenly FATHER offering His only SON as the ultimate blood sacrifice for sin. 


                  “The things which are hidden belong to ADONAI our GOD.  But the things that have been revealed belong to us and our children forever, so that we can observe all the words of this Torah”(Deut 29:29), wrote Moses.  What are the things that have been revealed?  Firstly,  I see that we have a beautiful GOD!  Looking up to the heavens, I see the starry host, wonderfully illuminating the huge expanse, and they are magnificent and beautiful.  I turn my head all around me and I see the beauty of GOD’s masterpiece. Only a person of beauty can create such beauty!  Secondly, I see the excellence of the Original Designer.  Yes, everything thatHe made was intricately unique in form, in color, in characteristics and even inthe role it plays in the whole scheme of creation.  Each piece of creation was designed to fit each other and function in tandem with the rest of creation.  Thirdly, I see the Creator’s omnipotence.  The sun contains the energy of billions of atom bombs, yet it is not destroyed; and it is but a small star compared to the size of other more prominent stars in billions of galaxies around us.  Fourthly, I see the wisdom of GOD in creating life balance in everything , whether creatures, land, seas,stars, moons, planets, asteroids and yes, even man and woman.  Fifth, I see GOD’s signature and presence in everything He made.  Everywhere I look I see GOD’s autograph, when He marked out the horizon and commanded the seas to go no further; when I behold an acacia tree with its magnificent branches reaching upwards towards heaven.  Sixth,I see GOD’s magnanimity and excellence.  When He created the universe He did not spare any expense nor did He scrimped on water and heat; but especially, He even gave up His only SON to save His masterpiece – man.  Seventh, I see GOD’s faithfulness.  We can always be sure that morning comes after the night as it dawns. The sun will come out tomorrow as GOD gives us another chance to be transformed.  There is so much more I can tell you but I am short of words.  There are no words that can aptly describe the greatness of our GOD!


                  GOD also revealed His own person through His Word.  He did not stop at a mere book but He sent his only SON so we can know Him personally.  The Scriptures says, Adam, the first man,became a living soul; but the last “Adam” has become a life-giving Spirit.  The first man is from the dust of the earth;the second man is from heaven.  People born of dust are like the man of dust, and people born from heaven are like the man from heaven (1 Cor 15:45,47,48).  In YESHUA the Messiah, the FATHER created a new specie of man – a heavenly man,from whom all who believe are to be patterned. Thus, we have borne the image of the man of dust, so also we will bear the image of the man from heaven! (1 Cor15:49)


                  As men created in the image of GOD, we are privileged to also be given the power to speak GOD’s words into reality in a world that needs it desperately. GOD gave us His magnificent promises so we can share in His divine nature and overcome the corruption of the world (2 Pet 1:4).  As GOD’s representatives, we must understand that He gave us the mandate to expand His Kingdom on earth and gave us His powerful and creative Word to do it.  All of GOD’s promises are yes and amen to those who believe. For however many promises GOD has made, they all find their “yes” in connection with YESHUA the Messiah; that is why, it is through Him that we say the“amen” when we give glory to GOD (2 Cor 1:19-20).


                  The righteous will attain life through trusting faithfulness! (Hab 2:4)



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