There the Israelites sang this song: “Spring up, O well! Yes, sing about it!” (Numbers 21:17 NLT)
Ancient Hebrews were healed by a trusting look at a stinging serpent on a pole—we journey toward real life as we gaze in faith at God’s Son on a cross. If we get depressed and impatient because of life’s difficult score, our Savior teaches us how to sing. Jesus is our Salvation from sin, our Strength for the struggle, and our Song in sadness.
Whatever our situation, we are never in a God-forsaken place! We can sing even in the desert if we delight in the Master of Melody. The Lord satisfies our soul with a perpetual spring of joy even if we should feel like hanging up our harp.
The world cannot match heaven’s sweet air. The siren song of transient pleasures cannot compare to the symphony of infinite joy. The Holy Spirit in our innermost being inspires a rousing victory march. In God’s perfect timing, we will join in an international praise song to the King of the universe—until then, we can stay in step with the Spirit cadence with an optimistic spring in our step. We are dust, but God is Infinite Power—we will not fall out of the ranks if we depend on the Almighty to reinforces us to battle sin and win. Marching in Christ’s triumphal procession, we are honored to sing a glorious strain in harmony with the church triumphant.
The Lord composes a brand new chorus for us every morning. By grace, we can sing out a fresh carol in His honor each day we live—offering an original and creative melody to our listening audience. There is no reason we should ever communicate boredom with a repetitive singsong chant.
Our Father’s promises compose a visionary anthem that sustains us in chaos and loneliness. The keynote of heaven’s hopeful music inspires nocturnal melodies. In the shadowlands of time, we listen for the melody of eternity—banking on God’s promise of heaven on earth materializing at sunrise.
Fear cannot mute grace notes written in our heart by faith. In anxiety-producing circumstances, God’s unfailing care sings a ballad of courage to our soul. In discord, God’s calming peace is our Background Music. In overwhelming responsibilities, the Lord hums a heavenly tune in our ear so we can keep calm and carry on. How can we keep from singing?
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized
This devotional based on day 87 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity