GOD said, "Let the earth put forth grass, seed-producing plants, and fruit trees,
each yielding its own kind of seed-bearing fruit, on the earth";
and that is how it was. - Gen 1:11
When the people of GOD understand the basic principle of the seed as YHWH laid it out from the beginning, then they will understand much of the parables that the LORD YESHUA taught in the New Testament. You see, YHWH our ELOHIM, declared the end from the beginning and from ancient times (Isaiah 46:10).
Each seed produces a plant that produces fruits and each fruit has seeds that produces the same kind of plant and so on and so forth until you have a thick forest before you. What is the potential of a seed? YESHUA said that a mustard seed could become a tree even if it is the smallest seed among the garden herbs; and the birds of the air come and nest in its branches (Mt 13:31-32). Bur that is just one mustard seed and it can produce a lot more mustard seeds. The possibilities are exponential!
Each seed carries within itself the characteristics of its kind. The mustard seed produces mustard. An apple seed produces apples and orange seed produces oranges. Adam originally bore the image of YHWH but lost it at the Fall and had been on survival mode after that. He bore children after his own fallen image. The last Adam, YESHUA the Messiah, was the Word made flesh who was the exact representation of the FATHER and He triumph over the enemy. YESHUA is the firstfruit among many brethren; brethren who are born again from above in accordance to His image, sharing His divine nature. YESHUA is the seed of the woman (Eve), the seed of Abraham, the root of Jesse, the son of David and the beloved SON of EL ELYON.
All believers were born again by the imperishable seed through the living Word of ELOHIM that last forever (1 Pet 1:23). When you received the word of ELOHIM in the soil of your heart, you trusted in His promise of salvation and that word became flesh and you were born from above, not by the will of man but by the will of the FATHER. The Word of ELOHIM is spirit and life itself. The Word is the basic ingredient of creation. The Word is YESHUA and YESHUA is ELOHIM!(Jn 1:1-2)
The principle of the seed is the principle of exponential duplication. We reproduce who we are. So, ask yourself, whose son are you?