One of the spots in Israel that always moves me emotionally is a place on the shore of Galilee called "The Primacy of Peter." It's the spot that is traditionally held to be where Peter encountered the risen Lord and was given the chance to accept His forgiveness.


On my last trip to Israel, back in 2006, one in our group had felt that God could no longer use him in ministry. I don't know what caused him to feel that way. But he stood on the shore in that place, felt God's forgiveness, and prayed, "Lord, if You can still use me, and if You still want me, I'm ready." God responded with a resounding, "Yes!" And his life was changed, and redirected, when he accepted God's love and forgiveness.


While I don't know what caused this young man to feel that way, I do know what caused the apostle Peter to feel that way. In spite of all his bragging about how much he loved Jesus, he had caved in to fear when he had a chance to speak for Jesus at Caiphas' palace. I can only imagine the agony Peter must have felt. On the other hand, John 21 provides a beautiful picture of Peter leaping off a boat, rushing to shore to meet his Lord, the minute he saw Jesus on that shore after the resurrection.


There are a lot of reasons that this place could be found special. For me, the place is special for one reason:


Because I'm too much like Peter.


Sometimes I'm proud. Sometimes I'm humble. Sometimes, I'm strong in my faith and I stand up proudly for my Lord. Sometimes, I give in to fear and I cower in the background.


Sometimes, I'm way to quick to speak and way to slow to listen. Sometimes, I'm impulsive and impatient. Sometimes, I forget that Jesus called me to demonstrate His love to others.


Sometimes, I deny my Lord . . . either through my actions or my words.


Sometimes, I need another chance to get it right, to be the person God has called me to be as a follower and a disciple of Christ.


I'm glad Jesus showed Peter that he had another chance to get it right. Because in so doing, He showed me the same thing.


I heard a devotion today at that spot in which the speaker declared that Peter's Primacy was in the area of His example to us. I like that, because I can definitely relate to it. 


Margie Williamson

Community Manager



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  • Tevita, thanks for adding. Love your response . . . especially the "Primacy of Self". Isn't that the true issue for us as believers? Dying to self that we can live for Christ . . .
  • Thank you for sharing this light. It actually strung a chord I myself often hear in my own conscience. I had to stop a moment or two to reflect upon your blessing, considering.....  The spot might as well be also called the 'Primacy of Fallen Humanity' or better still 'The Primacy of "Self". The thing is my fears are not always related to Christ himself (being denied etc.). Rather it happens in any case I fear for my own life ... and subsequently traded in someone else .... even a loved one! which also comes back to the question of our love for God as you pointed out.  It is great to start of the New Year (for me) with such an encouragement from the Holy Land! Yes as you pointed out .... God is more than ready to give us another chance, a reminder of our depending upon his grace to see us through our human realities. Cheers.
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