I wonder if prior to reaching the age of thirty, Jesus ever wondered when His time would come. It wasn’t up to Him. It would happen in the “fullness of time” (Galatians 4:4), just like everything else happens on God’s calendar. To reach their destiny, others would fight their way up, or politic their way up, or pay their way up, but not Jesus. When John the Baptist pointed out Jesus, it was because the time was right. From obscurity to prominence, Jesus didn’t have to fight His way out, politic His way out, or pay His way out. God sent John to point Him out. In the midst of a crowd that came to see John, Jesus was pointed out, “Behold, the Lamb of God” (John 1:29, 36). Do you ever get frustrated, waiting and wondering, when a special “time” will come for you, when you will arrive on the scene, when you will make a difference in your world? You may have to wait like Jesus, until God sends someone to point you out. You may have to live a bit longer with patience. It may happen when you least expect it, or when you are on the verge of giving up on waiting. The quote has been widely circulated as anonymous, but is often attributed to author and journalist, Barbara Haines Howett, “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, she became a butterfly.” Don’t give up! Regardless of what God has already done, in and through you, there is a time coming when more is expected. You’ll be called out, maybe even pointed out. And you will live in a glorious “fullness of time” as God uses you to accomplish a Divine purpose. Watch for it. It’s coming!