“The most powerful force in the world today is neither Communism nor capitalism, neither the H-bomb nor the guided missile—it is man’s eternal desire to be free.” (John F. Kennedy, address, Washington, D.C., July 2, 1957]
“Oh, Lord, I want to be free, want to be free; Rainbow round my shoulder, wings on my feet.” [American Negro Song]
The Holy Spirit Dove rests on the believer’s shoulder, overshadowing angst with confidence.Leaning on Christ, inner tranquility transcends circumstances. Trusting God—Eternal Life, Light beyond light, and Radical Liberty—we are genuinely free and jubilant.
“PROCLAIM LIBERTY THROUGHOUT THE LAND UNTO ALL THE INHABITANTS THEREOF”—engraved on the rim of the American Liberty Bell—speaks of political freedom. There is a far greater freedom. As citizens of the kingdom of heaven, we enjoy more than life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—we celebrate friendship with our Creator, spiritual spontaneity, and invulnerable joy.
In the Jubilee Year, all debts were canceled. At the cross, Jesus wrote “Paid in full” with his blood on the invoice of our transgressions. No longer enslaved to sin, we are free in the highest sense of the word. Breathing the expansive air of freedom, it would be foolish to return to suffocating haunts of iniquity!
Jubilee Year was a time all slaves were released. In Jesus, we are liberated from sin’s dungeon, healed of spiritual blindness, and relieved of guilt’s oppressive burden. Made right with God by faith, we are at peace because of what Jesus did on our behalf. No wonder we dance for joy!
Christ has rescued us from the world’s awful bondage to sin. If we stay close to our Savior, our heart will learn to sing His melody at all times. Adversity will not depress us; prosperity will not fool us; twists and turns of life’s roller coaster will not throw us. “There is never a day so dreary, there is never a night so long, but the soul that is trusting Jesus will somewhere find a song.” (Anna B. Russell)
“Proclaim freedom all over the land to everyone who lives in it—a Jubilee for you.” (Leviticus 25:10 THE MESSAGE)
Johnny R. Almond
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
[This devotion based on Day 73 of Gentle Whispers]
Interim Pastor, Nomini Baptist Church; Montross, Virginia
Blog http://GentleWhispersFromEternity-ScripturePersonalized.com/