Guard me as the apple of your eye. Hide me in the shadow of your wings.
Psalm 17:8 NLT
Incredibly, I take a personal interest in you. Believe it or not, you are a gleam in your Heavenly Father’s eyes! The sun and moon and brightest stars do not bring Me as much delight as caring for you.
My unfailing love, undeserved mercy, and kind understanding are your heart’s sweetest delights. However, how often do you consider the reality that I actually enjoy you? Trust Me, it is not too good to be true! As your Creator, I celebrate you. As your Father, I dance for joy when I think of you. You set My heart to singing. You are one sheep in millions—yet I know you intimately, calling you by name. You are far more to Me than a number on the books—you are the apple of My eye.
Invariably, I protect you. Your archenemy is intent on stealing enthusiasm, killing contentment, and destroying influence. Your Greatest Friend is intent on enriching your life, guarding you from all that would rob you of joy.
You naturally protect the pupil of your eye—I supernaturally encircle you. My commandments are not designed to make you miserable—I am not a killjoy! I nestle you near My heart in eternal love—death’s terrors cannot kill love, life’s troubles cannot overcome love, demons’ distractions cannot cancel love, today’s fears cannot overwhelm love, tomorrow’s worries cannot defeat love, hell’s powers cannot destroy love.
Infinitely, I provide for you. I govern your life every day in every way. Providence engineers your circumstances, orchestrating every event for good. Whatever happens to you, I either cause or permit. I do not sign every piece of work, but I am the Artist behind the scenes.
I am the Good Shepherd leading the way through life’s labyrinth. Recognize My voice in the midst of the competing cacophony—trust My limitless knowledge to know what is best for you. Life makes sense when you take time to listen to My voice and seek My face. The journey will be an adventure if you stay close to your Guide. Feeling overwhelmed, remember My wings overshadow you. When you tremble on foot bridges, I am out there with you—trust Me to find your way across the deep ravine.
Immortally, I make paradise your home. Face to face, we will embrace in joy. Waking up from death’s sleep and getting up from the grave to see the One who made it possible—that is My promise to you! Until you see your Savior, let the light of heaven sparkle in your eyes.
© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 196 Gentle Whispers from Eternity