“Rest and be thankful.” (Inscription on stone seat in the Scottish Highlands; title of one of Wordsworth’s poems)
“Present your peace offering as a thanksgiving offering.” (Leviticus 7:12)
Faith is the key that started the powerful grace engine in our life. God knows all about our egocentricity, judgmentalism, pessimism, and impatience—yet still loves us unconditionally. With our first toddling step of childlike faith, God made us everlastingly His. Marveling at grace, we will be eternally grateful.
To counteract loneliness, God gives us a home. Husband, wife, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister—all are heaven’s idea. Unique personalities enrich life. Celebrating God’s love, we will be more loving.
All around us are reasons for gratitude—creation’s beauty, God’s eternal Word, human voices, delicious food, the wake-up smell of coffee, friendly hugs of love, the Holy Spirit prompting our conscience. Pondering God’s goodness, our heart will sing for joy.
God gives us purpose for living. We are His work of art. Focusing on honoring our Master, we will experience life’s highest significance.
God sets our table with daily bread. He gives us all we need from day to day as we prioritize His kingdom. Realizing heaven’s help, we will bow our head and give thanks.
God gives us forever. The Power that raised Jesus from the grave guarantees our bright destiny. No artist can paint heaven; no composer can write its lovely symphony. God gives us hints of glory—sunrises, flowers, butterflies, and springs. If a dove feather-brushed Earth on round trips to the nearest star until the planet wore away to nothing, eternity would just be dawning—so would our carol of praise.
God engineers circumstances in our best interest. We can count on His Invariable Presence. If we pray about everything, tell our Father what we need, and thank Him for His blessings, peace will flood our mind and heart. “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) is literally, “Come to rest.” Thankful, we can truly rest.
Johnny R. Almond
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
[This devotion based on Day 63 of Gentle Whispers]
Interim Pastor, Nomini Baptist Church; Montross, Virginia