Ok I know that this title might sound very funny and maybe not even relateable to this website, but if you all will hold on for a sec I will try explain myself. The title is based off a lot of responses I hear from people that have tried to desciple someone or have had someone try to disciple them. Me on the other hand made myself a promise to God that if He guided and led me to disciple someone that I wouldn't let myself ask this question. Unfortunately many have asked this question and many have not found an anwer to this till it was to late.
So why is that?
Well, since we are told in the Bible to make disciples of all nations; believers somehow get a notion that this can be a simple and no brainer activity or action. But me thinks not said the little red rooster. You see, the biggest lie of the enemy Satan; is that making and discipling someone in their relationship with Christ is easy and natural. They are so surprized when they get into the discipleship process with someone that it can be quite difficult. They aren't ready for the questions, commitment, and emotions that go in with it. They get what we Wisconsinites call the “Deer in Headlights” look. They ask themselves many questions and doubts about what they are doing, and most of all some of them turn away; never to be open to do it again.
Well, lets ask the question, How can we be ready?
There are a few, how can I say, preperations that we can do, but in all reality it is between you and God to know if you are ready or not.
1. The first is that we are in Gods word on a daily/ regualar basis. I don't mean whenever we go to church or stuff. I mean, that we are in a personal and family devotional plan. Ask the question to yourself; Am I reading and studying the Bible? This may be anytime during the day or night, but is it consistant? I know it can be hard and I even find myself slipping a little. But let me tell you this. If we are discipling someone in their faith and helping them to be like Jesus. Then shouldn't we know what He is like and what He wants? So, we need to get into his word and make it personal first.
You know what!!! It hurts me spiritually and deeply when I skip a devo and I find it so refreshing to get back on track, and you know how I have been keeping myself accountable to study His word? In my schedualer put a side a special time for a devotion. The best thing is that because I speak at youth events and groups I get other times that I get to study, and man that is just as refreshing.
Let me say this takes discipline!!!!!
How about we put out a second.
2. This would be to humbly ask God for guidance. This includes on how and who to disciple, but it also is a way for you to do a check on you and his relationship. Before I ever stepped into descipling the people that God put in my life. I would ask him to Guide my steps and to lead me. I didn't want to do anything that was outside His will and praise the Lord it has been very exciting. On top of that process, I would ask Him to show me what I was doing wrong and to help guide me in how to correct it.
I hate to admit it that there are things that He has shown me that I am still working on, and in all that He has led me to some amazing people that are now doing great things for Him. So, do we have a healthy relationship with God? Is He someone that we rely on and seek everyday? Or is He just someone that sent His Son to make a way for us to get to Heaven? Have we made this relationship personal?
How I hope So!!!!!
Let me add one more thing as a third preparation.
3. Live out what you are learning and studying from Gods word and your personal relationship with Christ. This for some reason is the hardest for people, and I am included; to put into practice. This world is a cursed place and it looks so inviting for us to join with it and not against it. Now by against it I don't mean by all out war and battle, but by not following in its foot-steps. As I have been working with youth for a number of years now I see a big trend of being like everyone else. God has called us not to be like everyone else. We are called to Glorify God and Bring Him Glory.
Guys, this is what discipling is all about. Bringing Glory to GOD!!!! The best thing is that these preparations will help you know what to do with the discipling process. You can apply these three to that process. Kinda funny, huh, that the things to help you get ready are things to help with the discipleship process. Now, I am going to say that these might not all work for you, but these are just ideas and suggestions for you to use if they seem helpful.
So, are you ready? Well, now you know some ways to prepare for one of the greatest adventures in your Christian walk. An one of the most fulfilling too. Just don't give up on relying on God!!!!
Peace be with you and God Bless!!!!!
Travis J. Meyer