YESHUA looked at the man and said, “How hard it is for people with wealth to enter the Kingdom of GOD! It is easier for a camel to pass through the needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of GOD!” (Lk 18:24,25)
The Scriptures discussed a lot about money and finances and giving and YESHUA especially mentioned it many times in relation to our relationship with GOD. It is not that GOD does not want to prosper his people because the Scriptures is replete with examples of GOD directly blessing His people such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, etc. In fact, they prospered while the people around them were suffering and GOD used them to deliver the people from bondage. A good example would be Isaac who planted during a famine in the land of Gerar and reaped a hundred times more than he had sowed. He grew very rich in flocks, menservants and maidservants because ADONAI blessed him (Gen 26:12-14). The LORD Himself reminded Israel that He is the One who gives them the ability to acquire wealth lest they begin to get enamored at their own power to acquire so much possessions (Deut 8:17,18). For life does not consist of one’s possessions.
The warning is given to people who focus their mind, soul and spirit on the acquisition of material wealth. Everything will be tested with fire, and if it burns, then it is lost forever. So the question is, with what foundation are you building? What are you building? If you are building your kingdom, then your kingdom will perish with you. Everything on earth is finite and has an expiration date. Abraham prospered because no matter how much GOD blessed him, he never grew any roots on earth. In fact, the Scriptures tell us that Abraham was looking for a city with permanent foundations whose builder and architect was El SHADDAI (Gen 11:10).
The fact is, when you are taking care of GOD’s business on earth, GOD will take care of your business. When men live by trust in the LORD YESHUA, GOD will prosper them and they are able to enter the Kingdom of GOD. To men, entering the Kingdom of GOD by whatever earthly means possible is impossible. How can a time-bound, earth-bound person achieve lift off? If he can’t see the invisible, then it’s all foolishness to him. But when a person turns to GOD and trust Him alone, he immediately gets access to GOD’s presence in eternity!
To build with human hands what you want to achieve spiritually is to build in vain. But to lift up empty hands to the LORD YESHUA in complete surrender is to achieve Paradise with GOD!
Build with the right tools…learn from the master Carpenter.