Reveling in Redemption



Reveling in Redemption


By Pastor Johnny R. Almond


Praise the Lord who has given you a family redeemer today!

Ruth 4:14 NLT



Rejoice in your Redeemer—conquer loneliness by My love. I have not left you to your own devices, struggling to find a way through life’s lonely labyrinth—I grant you mercy in the maze. I have always loved you. Eternal Love charmed you to My heart. Unfailing Love accompanies you—My Spirit is your Counselor, Comforter, Encourager, and Defense Counsel. I will not orphan you in life’s storms. You can rest assured I will see you through difficult days and long nights, gently whispering to your heart that I am your Greatest Friend.



Rest in your Redeemer—turn from your hopeless effort to achieve human perfection, and triumph in the delight of My holiness gift. Relax in heaven’s embrace of grace. I have not deserted you in your dilemma of despair—I died for you! Tender Love paid the bloody price to purchase your spiritual freedom and redeem you from sin’s slave market. The ransom I paid was not money, but the innocent lifeblood of Jesus. You are not tyrannized by sin, because your Shepherd condescended to become a Lamb.



Rely on your Redeemer—give up your guilt and glory in grace! I have not rejected you in your rebellion and ruin—I redeemed you from your misery by My mercy. I am the Initiator and Enabler of a personal relationship with Christ. Identifying with Him by faith, you enjoy blessings beyond words! Faith in the One who is Truth personified gives you the key to timeless treasures of wisdom and critical knowledge of the universe. Clinging to the Sinless Savior who became the perfect offering for sin, you are on good terms with your Creator and have nothing to fear when you finally stand in My Presence. Sensitive to Holy Spirit promptings, steer clear of sin and live a self-controlled life. Ransomed from cruel addiction to sin, celebrate magnificent out-of-the-world freedom. Pull out all the stops! Celebrate My love all day!



Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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