What an encouraging prayer call today! (Saturday, September 28)
- I was a guest on the Prayer Surge NOW!every Saturday national prayer call
- Dai Sup Han (click & scroll), the facilitator, before our prayer-conversation, told those on the line how God used me to help launch him into a prayer-focused ministry over a dozen years ago (I was honored and blessed by his kind words)
- I was given the opportunity to explain the unfolding vision God has given me for the #ReimagineFORUM on Pray.Network and Discipleship.Network
- The prayers and comments in response to this vision were very affirming; leaders seem hungry for a challenge to revision the methods and mechanics, the traditions and trends, of their ministry.
- Reimagine is not a tinkering with our biblical foundation but it is more than a refreshed commitment (Romans 12:2: "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind")
- To reimagine is an invitation for the Holy Spirit to reveal blind spots or styles of ministry that confine us to the past and make us less effective in a rapidly and radically changing culture (Ephesians 2:6 reveals we are seated with Christ now! in the heavenly prayer gathering; we should listen before we start talking...)
- #ReimaginePRAYER ~ #ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP ~ #ReimagineEVANGELISM ~ these "hashtags" allow leaders to search on Twitter for my posts/links to content prompting a Spirit-led, Scripture-fed, Worship-bred, Corporate-said approach to reimagining process
- I shared how this template helps me avoid listing before listening when I pray
- Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7)
- A - Ask this question before asking for help-healing-hope: "Holy Spirit, how do you want me to focus on my prayer?"
- S - Seek guidance by being silent, searching scripture, singing a hymn or spiritual song, scribing your prayer
- K - Know then Knock. When you have discernment and direction, pray with determination ("Come boldly; the door shall be opened")
- Participants prayed for me, for our networks, and for God to use us to "build ... raise up ... repair ... with results that would reach beyond my lifetime with effectiveness beyond which we can ask or imagine."
And for how he is using you to make it possible,
Phil Miglioratti
#The ReimagineFORUM @ Pray.Network & Discipleship.Network