Real Life

Then ADONAI said,

“Because these people approach Me with empty words,

And the honor they bestow on Me is mere lip-service;

While in fact, they have distanced their hearts from Me,

And their fear of Me is just a regulation of human origin –

Therefore, I will have to keep shocking these people with astounding

and amazing things until the ‘wisdom’ of their ‘wise ones’ vanishes,

And the ‘discernment’ of their ‘discerning ones’ is hidden away.”

- Isaiah 29:13-14

At the time of the prophet Isaiah, many of the people of Judah were worshipping other gods while they also sacrificed to ADONAI as part of their obligation as a people. They thought that by observing
the official feasts and giving their sacrifices and keeping the regulations of their religious leaders they had paid their dues and would be exempted from judgment. But they neglected to keep the
real Torah which should have been resident in their hearts and in their minds and fulfilled through their hands. They showed how much they trusted ADONAI when they made a treaty with Egypt for
protection against the Assyrians. They were all swept away and their protectors also captured and subjugated by their feared enemy. These were all prophesied while their ‘prophets’ and priests preached peace and prosperity.

Today, many supposed Christians play religious games, just like the Israelites of old. Many attend church meetings, pray during meals and even attend religious conferences. But Truth is vindicated by its fruit. Church membership is not a relationship with YESHUA. Attending Sunday church is not
discipleship. Prayer during meals is not communion with the Holy. Attending religiousconferences is not real worship. Serving in ministry is not life in the Spirit.

Enoch never attended a congregational meeting, but there is one thing he majored on that really hit the spot – Enoch walked with ELOHIM! So did Noah, Abraham, Isaac and all the others in the Hall of
Faith. If a believer has done all the other things in service to GOD but has not really “talked” and “walked” with GOD, all of it was for nothing, as if “by works”!

Many of the Israelites missed it because they approached the life of faith as if by works. We can easily fulfill our obligations but if YESHUA is not involved in our moment by moment walk, our
lives are in vain. The more we distance ourselves from YESHUA, the more dull our hearing become and our hearts become hardened.

How can life be true life if it is detached from the very Source of Life?


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