There are many methods that we can look to in order to develop a dynamic prayer life. But what if the best method isn't a method at all, but rather a viewpoint?
What if the best way to view prayerfully sitting before the Lord is to see it as one-on-one discipleship with Him - or as I like to call it; "The One-on-one discipleship"?
Reading through the Old Testament we get to read front-row accounts through centuries of Heroes of the Faith learning how to walk by faith not by sight before the Lord. At the beginning of that journey, Abram has no idea what's about to hit him when the Lord offers him the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 17). Abraham's descendants struggle to maintain a pursuit of God that resembles that of their forefather. Centuries later again - Moses comes along at a crucial moment and proposes what had to have been just the most radical notion to them - to trust God to lead them from slavery to independent nationhood.
Again - a few centuries later and now God's chosen people are pitching God their own vision - they want a King. God warns them.
Does this remind you of how God introduces His vision for our lives to us - and then walks us through it? Sometimes we get what He's talking about right away. Sometimes we don't.
Discipleship is first and foremost what happens as God teaches us and reveals to us His heart as He answers this prayer with a resounding yes, says no to that one, and waits silently for us to lean in ever closer and closer to hear Him better on this other matter.
In the beginning when we're young and full of youthful certainty oh my do we love His yeses. But as we grow older, and hopefully much wiser - we learn to love all of His answers. They are all Him. They all reveal His tender-loving Father heart for us. They are all a part of His holy discipleship.
That's all! Thanks for reading. May the King of the Universe disciple you closer to His heart every day.