Grotfjord i Troms County Normay
A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes.
If you can maintain composure in the storm,
sailing through troubled seas on an even keel—
you can vindicate your faith in the Lord of your rocking boat.
Keeping a clear mind in chaos guides your soul into a calm harbor.
Losing your head in anger gives the Devil a foothold.
Hungry? Angry? Lonely? Tired? Halt!
Patience and soft speech give Me room to work reconciling wonders.
A spiritual diet from the orchard of Spirit fruits enriches your life—
love, not hate; joy, not despair; peace, not pandemonium;
patience, not irritability; kindness, not cruelty; generosity, not selfishness;
fidelity, not fickleness; gentleness, not rudeness; self-control, not panic.
I am the God of Order, not disorder.
I am always composed—there are never any emergencies in heaven.
The more orderly you are, the more you are like Me.
The more you quietly trust Me, the more unruffled you will be.
Let the Wonderful Counselor guide you through life’s maze,
the Mighty God arm you for spiritual battles with evil,
the Everlasting Father stabilize you in change,
and the Prince of Peace calm you in chaos.
John Greenleaf Whittier expressed a real serenity prayer in his poem
“The Brewing of Soma” from which is excerpted the hymn
“Dear Lord and Father of Mankind”:
Drop Thy still dews of quietness, till all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress, let our ordered lives confess
the beauty of Thy peace.
Everything nailed down coming loose? In My Presence—relax.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 258, Gentle Whispers from Eternity