If you are unwilling to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve.
But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15 NLT
It seems less than desirable to some people to serve Me. Like Ruth’s sister-in-law, they revert to their former gods. I challenge you to be like Ruth, insisting on staying with her mother-in-law in Israel. Live near Me in the holy land of the broken heart. Desire nothing in life more than honoring your Creator in your thoughts, words, and deeds. I am the Holy One—reflect My holiness in all you are.
No matter what idols others may choose, give Me full control—gladly follow Me as your Perfect Tour Guide. Listen carefully to the voice of your Shepherd—tune out voices of contemporary rivals. I am the Ardent God—I brook no rivals. No other Savior exists—false gods of the heart rob Me of the supreme allegiance I alone deserve. Resolutely turn away from idols and give your heart unreservedly to Me, the One and Only True God.
Counterfeit gods of sexual lust, selfish greed, and head-swelling self-importance are evil influences that clamor to take charge of your will. Why be preoccupied with physical gratification and human applause, when I offer you a river of infinite joy? Why wander about in a ghetto of poverty and loneliness, when I have prepared a luxurious mansion for you in My eternal city of hope? Why live beneath your means spiritually?
I repeatedly confirm My affection for you. I demonstrate My faithfulness and power in life’s changing seasons. I reveal My wisdom in My Word. I reach out to
you in friendship and offer to guide you by My Spirit. Toss idols—trust the Infinite. Put away the dearest idols you have known and make the noble choice to serve Me wholeheartedly—today.
Do not waver in opinions about Me—worship Me with conviction. Do not just silently mull over religious ideas—publicly voice your beliefs. Quit dabbling in sin—get serious about holiness. Recommit yourself to love Me, the Living Lord, and leave lesser gods. Rededicate yourself to lead your family and friends to serve Me and set aside tawdry substitutes. Treasure the Eternal, not the ersatz!
Give Me undivided allegiance, and I will sculpt your attitudes and reactions to be Christlike. Stay focused on Jesus, and you will inspire others to energetically run with you in the Faith Marathon. Example is the only way to influence others—by My grace, set the pace.
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—book available on Amazon
Devotional based on day 120 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity