During my first year in High School I was relegated to the Junior Varsity baseball team. The next year I was determined to make the varsity. When the uniforms were passed out I was given #25, not one of my hoped-for numbers. When I asked the coach why I got #25, he replied, “Because we only have twenty-five jerseys to hand out.” In other words, I was player #25 to make the team. My wife was engaged to another guy before we became engaged. I was the second choice to be the Director of Baptist student ministries at the University of Texas. When I was hired by the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board (then called Home Mission Board), I was told they had been interviewing people for one year. Two professor candidates were interviewed for the position I occupied for twenty-two years at Southwestern Baptist Seminary. So, what’s the point? You don’t have to be #1 to be chosen. Our first choice at manager of our own life is our self. That’s why we have to reject self and, “accept” Christ, making Him Lord of our lives. But here is the really good news, Jesus said, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you” (John 15:16). With God, I am #1, and so are you!
To read more from Dr. Dan, go to www.discipleallnations.org/blog.
What a great insight and encouraging story to start the day with!
Thank you!