Nevertheless the Lord raised up judges, who saved them from those who plundered them.
Judges 2:16 MLB
Gaze into the mirror of My Word—and see yourself there. Like My people Israel, you go round and round in the vicious circle of obedience, rebellion, heartbreak, repentance, forgiveness, fresh start, obedience, rebellion, heartbreak…
Every time you wander after so-called gods, you are disappointed. Everywhere you turn, everything goes wrong. Without God, life falls apart. In your despair, you cry out for heaven’s deliverance.
Because of My eternal covenant, I have compassion for you. I freed you from sin’s slavery to bring you to the promised land of rich spiritual life. My Word is as good as I am—I will never, in any situation, take back a single word I have said. I will not break My promise. I have always loved you and I always will. My faithful love endures forever. I hold you in omnipotent hands, so no force can wrench you from My care. I am Love—my heart will not let Me give up on you or let you go.
In spite of your recidivism—chronic, habitual relapse into sin—My steadfast love is rock steady. You are changeable and erratic in your devotion to Me; however, I am unvaryingly faithful to you.
Let My unchangeableness inspire you to greater loyalty. Hold your head high, march in step with My Holy Spirit, and live enthusiastically for Me. Continue to trust Me. Persist in serving Me. Rest assured that nothing you do in My Name wastes time.
You are sinful—nevertheless, I am your Savior. When you cry out for pardon, I rescue you from despair. When you acknowledge transgression, I am faithful to cleanse you of every wrong. When I see the trouble you are in, My heart goes out to you and My hand rescues you. My mercy has no boundary. Rebellion does not cancel redemption. In spite of everything you do, I forgive.
You are aware of your corrupt nature. You have experienced My kindness and patience with you. You have learned you can conquer temptation by relying on Me. Let these facts spur you on to aim for Christlikeness. When you wander from My side, listen for your Gentle Shepherd’s voice leading you to return to righteous paths.
Heaven’s nevertheless of grace infinitely exceeds your sin. No matter how you misbehave, My love is never the less.
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—book available on Amazon
devotional based on day 121 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity