Over the last several years church practices have changed and through that process many methods and methodologies have changed as well. Those changes have been subtle and yet significant. Jesus gave us a model to follow. It’s about relationship not religion. It’s about authenticity not activity-based. It’s about intentionality and not options. The reality is living obediently in response to God’s Word does not necessarily mean faithfully participating in a program (even a great program). Living obediently is following Christ. It’s receiving the love that He has for us and in turn loving people well. It’s grace. It’s His Spirit in you.
As believers we have to stop right now and evaluate where we are. There are many of us (leaders included) that have missed this. We have made discipleship more complicated than it was ever intended to be. As a result, we are worn out. We are feeling the pressure in our homes, in our careers, with our friends and the list goes on. We have done everything that we know to do. We have polished up all of our processes, sermons, social media, etc. Yet at the end of the day, the questions still remain: Did I follow Christ today? Did I accept and know God’s love for me? Did I love people well? Do my family, friends, co-workers, and really anyone I come into contact with experience the fruit of God’s Spirit in me?
You see experiencing God’s love and loving people well is what discipleship is all about. It’s walking through life with people in way that honors God. It’s worth it. In June, NavPress will host the National Discipleship Conference at Northwestern College in St. Paul, MN. It is our vision, our desire and our focus is to advance the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into all of the nations through a spiritual generation of laborers living and discipling among the lost. Believers are to be and make disciples. Come join us for an opportunity to be engaged, equipped, and empowered to do just that!
See you there.