“Cast all your cares on God; that anchor holds.” (Alfred, Lord Tennyson)
The God who is the one and only God does not wish to remain anonymous.
The God who cared for His people in the Old Testament gives His saints today peace in pandemonium, calm in chaos, and courage in valleys.
The God who liberated His people from slavery sent Jesus to unshackle us from sin’s cruel bondage.
The God who observed the misery of His chosen people in Egypt has His eyes constantly on us. He is perfectly aware of our headaches and heartaches, and He deeply cares about our well-being.
The God who led the Israelites through a dangerous wilderness by daily cloud and nightly blaze conducts us through life’s labyrinth by a built-in Guidance System.
The God who changed His people’s diet from unsatisfying fare to Promised Land milk and honey satisfies our appetite for excellent thoughts by His timeless wisdom.
The God who will always be who He has always been has always loved us and always will. So we do not address our prayers “to the God it may concern.”
The God who is love is our Firm Anchor on life’s high seas. He is all we ever really need in life.
“I Am the One Who Always Is.” (Exodus 3:14 NLT)
Johnny R. Almond
Christian preacher and writer
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
This devotion based on Day 39 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity]