Living Deeper with Jena Forehand!

Hi! My name is Jena Forehand, a wife, mother, speaker, and author of Living  Deeper and the
Living Deeper Discipleship Series. God has burned a passion for discipleship in my belly that
compels me to share it with all who will listen! Here's why:

I believe that deep within the heart of every person is a desire to be a part of something much
bigger than themselves. It's an irresistible motive to lock arms with a group of people who share a common passion that transcends the mundane of each day. It calls us to be a part of a bigger story that involves risk and ruthless trust, because we know without God's help, we are toast.

The great news is that God offers us all these great adventures to live! The sad news is that most
of us choose not to. Fear, inadequacies, insecurities, and the like keep us from ever living life to its fullness.

In Psalm 42:7, King David penned, "Deep calls to deep". He was expressing in song that the
depths of God's heart is calling to the depths of yours.

God wants us to live in deeper relationship with Him. He wants to take us into the deep places
where we can know Him fully, follow Him completely , obey Him willingly, and experience Him
abundantly. That is what Jesus offers us in John 10:10, "I have come to give you life and to give it
to you abundantly!"

God is ready to take us by the hand and lead us into the deeper waters of relationship with Him.
He wants us to experience the exciting life He created us to live. Aren't you ready to start living

As we begin taking the plunge and heading into the deeper waters with Jesus, He will guide us to fulfill the very purposes for which we were made: to go and make disciples. This is paramount to
the culture of today. Here's why:

87% of them want nothing to do with God. Who are they? They are the diverse and dynamic
generation coming behind us known as the "Millennials". Awesome individuals that could turn the world upside down for Christ, they have walked away from faith in Jesus and it is they who we
need to disciple.

Yet, the older generation has lost purpose, the Church has lost it's effectiveness, and both could
cause us to lose this next generation. God has given me a vision to reach this millennial
generation through the launching of a worldwide discipleship revolution.

Many of us came to Christ, but then felt "left" and never discipled. I believe that God is calling a
group of women to come together and disciple the next generation so that the older women will
find new purpose, our faith in Christ will be carried into the future generations, and the Church will return to the thriving organism that God created it to be.

This new ministry effort is called "Living Deeper Ministries". I believe that fulfilling the Great
Commission, "Go and make disciples of all nations", is the one mission God desires all of us to be a part of. I want to help the next generation become disciples, learning how to live in deeper
relationship with God and carrying others with them.

Jesus said, "store up for yourselves treasures in heaven". The only thing I know of that lasts
forever is people, and you walking into deeper waters with God and taking the next generation
with you makes an eternal investment in the future of the Church.

Just imagine how this world would change if the 87% who want nothing to do with God could be
reached with the Gospel! Just imagine the passion and purpose that would happen inside the
Church if God's people could be empowered to reach them! This is precisely my mission, and I
hope it becomes your too.

For more information about Jena and Living Deeper Ministries, please go to
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