“For I have not shunned to declare to you THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD.28 Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. 31 Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.” Acts 20: 27-31

The Scriptures contain numerous seemingly paradoxical truths that are not either/or, but rather both/and. Each of these truths are like a string in a multi-string cord, contributing to the strength of the cord.

It's not either receiving the grace of God or obeying His requirement for us to walk in holiness, it's both/and...

It's not either receiving the free gift of salvation or counting the cost and carrying our cross, it's both/and...

It's not either receiving and enjoying the love of the Lord or knowing the fear the Lord, it's both/and...

It’s not either believing and claiming the Gospel’s promises or heading its requirements and warnings, it’s both/and…

It's not either rejoicing in having found the Lord or seeking Him still, it's both/and...

It's not either experiencing the joy of the Lord or sharing in the sufferings of Christ, it's both/and...

It's not either realizing and expecting biblical promises of victory/revival/glory, or biblical proclamations of coming difficulty/persecution, it's both/and...

It's not either trusting that God is in control or realizing the urgency of our times, it's both/and...

It's not either recognizing our biblical mandate to pray and stand in the gap or  our mandate to engage in witnessing and evangelism, it's both/and...

It's not either being grateful for what God is doing now and not despising the day of small beginnings or seeking His Face and praying for revival, it's both/and...

It's not just realizing that the kindness of God is a manifestation of His love, but also realizing that His discipline and His severity are equally a manifestation of His fierce love and jealousy over us...

It's not just speaking words of exhortation/affirmation or words of correction/reproof, it's both/and....

It's not either realizing the biblical doctrine of the sovereignty of God or that of the free will of man, it's both/and...

It's not either recognizing the final authority of God’s written Word or being led by the Holy Spirit, recognizing His continuous present work and hearing God’s voice, it’s both/and …

The term "Full Gospel" is often used to communicate the idea that we should not neglect to teach what the Bible says about the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, if we want to teach the "Full Gospel" or the full counsel of the Scriptures, we should also not neglect to teach the above truths. Let us all as followers and disciples of Jesus Christ, be faithful witnesses like the apostle Paul, know and declare the whole counsel of God!





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