“ADONAI is good, and he is fair;
This is why he teaches sinners the way to live,
leads the humble to do what is right
and teaches the humble to live His way.
All ADONAI’s paths are grace and truth
to those who keep His covenant and instructions.”
-Psalms 25:8-10
When we study the Torah of ADONAI and compare it with the laws of the neighboring kingdoms, we find that ADONAI is indeed good and fair. For example, when the ox of your enemy falls on a ditch, the Canaanite laws do not prescribe any help from any of its citizens but the Torah commands that an Israelite should help his enemy to rescue the ox out of that predicament. The law of Hammurabi stipulates that if a slave strikes his master, the slave shall be executed; however, the Torah treats the slave with mercy by first evaluating the circumstances of the case and then exacts due punishment.
Today, most of our laws were patterned from the just laws of GOD. Logic dictates that righteous laws can only emanate from a just source. Only ADONAI ELOHIM is just and righteous in all His ways and His work is
perfect (Deut 32:4). Logic also dictates that the only perfect person who can teach His Law is GOD himself. And GOD indeed promised that He will write His laws in our hearts and give us His SPIRIT to teach us His ways. Even then, the HOLY SPIRIT will enable us by His operative grace and lead us to do what is right. How great and merciful is our GOD! His paths are full of grace and truth.
Grace and truth came through YESHUA the Messiah!