employing a “Prohibition Era” strategy will never eliminate abortions.
But how much decline could be seen if the 380,000 Christian congregations each mobilized as a #PrayerCareShare movement?
•Prayer~ for people by name and need.
•Care ~ for practical and financial needs.
•Share ~ the invitation of the Gospel to be part God’s compassion community.
Could we rescue tens of thousands unborn babies?
Hundreds of thousands?
This is not oversimplification if we put as much trust in the potential of the acts of the Holy Spirit filled Church as we do the power of legislation.
Even the most restrictive law will never eliminate abortion. That should be no surprise, but that should also not be our only hope.
Those who are crying out, advocating for the unborn, should do so because they have been bestowed a divine calling.
But everyone has a calling to express God’s love with personalized prayer, hands-on care, while looking for Spirit-prompted-opportunities to share life transforming good news.
Are we preaching-to-the-choir but not equipping them to be advocates for life with those they live, work, play with?
Has our commitment to legislation made us partner with the wrong crowd? Have political alliances compromised our witness?
Does a culture that worships tolerance perceive our message as merely a thirst to control (tell women what they are not
permitted to do) rather than as our passion to advocate for not-yet-born lives (by providing safe, support-based alternatives to terminating pregnancy)?
Has our commitment to this righteous cause become infected by a spirit of self-righteousness?
Are we fooled into believing our nation can be freed from sin if we create legislative and judicial edicts forbidding such action?
Will we remember that the weapons of our warfare include love expressed through kindness, grace and forgivenes, sacrifice and generosity, hospitality; also speaking truth in love. Never letting evil defeat us, but defeating evil with good.
May God revive the Church as we choose the life of loving and committing ourselves and our churches to God.
“Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your (not yet born) descendants might live!
You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him.
This is the key to your life.” Deuteronomy 30:19-20