Three funerals in ten days! I guess one should expect that in the later years of life. At least I have been in the pulpit and pew, and not in the casket. Or as one friend exclaimed, “We’re still on the green side of the grass!” The three deceased were very different in personalities and profession, in characteristics and calling. Yet there was a common thread in the three memorial services – all three were believers. It was affirmed that we knew where each of them now existed – heaven. It was further affirmed that the God who welcomed them into heaven, was the same God who offered comfort in our time of sorrow. Oh, there were tears and expressions of grief, because there had been a loss. But there was also laughter and celebration at each service. Paul writes that we grieve, but we do not grieve like those who have no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13). We grieve, and we celebrate, all at the same time. The seldom sung phrase of a popular praise song says, “I find my strength, I find my hope, I find my help, in Christ alone.” I couldn’t help but wonder how it would have been had those three funerals in ten days, been for non-believers, with no hope of eternal reward or reunion. I’ve been to an occasional one, such type of service, but not three in a row. How wonderful to live on the right side of hope, especially during days like these.