No accounting was required from the construction supervisors, because they were honest and faithful workers.
2 Kings 12:15 NLT
The basis of credibility is integrity. Trustworthiness hinges on truth. Supervisors of Temple repairs were uncompromisingly honest, so no accounting was required of their expenditure of funds. They gave clear evidence of reliability, so normal accounting procedures were waived. They acted faithfully, so they were not required to account for the money entrusted to them.
My uncommon policy of honesty is superior to the commonplace policy of deception. Blood of Truth redeemed you from dishonesty. As your Supervisor, I demand veracity in business dealings with others. My scales are absolutely accurate—they weigh your deepest thoughts. I measure true feelings, placing My tape around your heart.
I check to see if your ethical standards measure up to heaven’s. I care about honesty in the workplace. Your vocation is to honor Me in everything you do—report to work on time, give a full day’s work for a full day’s pay, above all be transparent and honest in everything you do. You represent Me to coworkers, so do your best for heaven’s sake!
It is senseless to attempt a cover-up of dishonesty. Your life is an open book before My eyes. Someday you will give an account of your actions and attitudes to Me. Does contemplating your appointment with Me make you nervous? Does the idea of standing in My Holy Presence make you feel you might be embarrassed by the way you have lived? Even if you do not live truthfully now, one day you will tell Me the truth—does this fact make you want to change the way you do business? There is still time to make adjustments. Get serious!
Be very careful how you manage the building project of your life. Renovate rooms of your character that have fallen into disrepair. Replace dilapidated walls of lies with strong buttresses of truthfulness. Keep a close eye on policies and procedures; watch your p’s and q’s—then no one will have to check up on you, and you will not have to hang your head in shame when I conduct your performance evaluation. In view of the sobering reality of your interview with your Boss, let Me teach you to be totally honest.
Honesty is not just the best policy—as far as I am concerned, honesty is the only one!
© 2013 Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity